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Web Links
(See related pages)

Emotional Intelligence
An excellent web site on emotional intelligence, including information about why it is important and methods for studying emotions.
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Kohlberg's Theory
In-depth information about Kohlberg's theory, including the six stages, examples of responses to moral dilemmas, implications of Kohlberg's theory to education, and an evaluation of his theory.
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Gilligan's Care Perspective
Extensive descriptions of the ethics of care, including resources for reading further about Carol Gilligan's views on gender and moral development.
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Gender Stereotyping
An in-depth exploration of gender stereotyping in children's literature with links to a wide range of gender web sites.
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Explore various aspects of androgyny. This web site also includes information about international gender resources and gender issues in science, literature, religion, arts, politics, philosophy, and other areas.
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Gender and Culture
The UNESCO Women, Gender Equality site has articles related to gender and culture.
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School-Family Linkages
Examine the importance of supporting ways for parents and families to become more involved in schools.
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The web site of the Stepfamily Association of America. Read a featured article about stepfamilies as well as reviews of books on stepfamilies.
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Stepfamily Resources
Links to featured articles on stepfamilies and to other web sites with information about stepfamilies.
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This web site is based on Barbara Colouroso's book The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander and presents the various issues related to bullying and being bullied.
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Social Cognition
An excellent web site for learning more about many aspects social cognition; includes abstracts of papers, links to information about researchers, and connections to many web sites that explore social cognition topics.
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A leading expert on children's friendships, Willard Hartup, examines the factors involved in making and keeping friends, as well as friendships in school settings.
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Home Schooling
The article "Parent-Generated Home Study in Canada" discusses the history, trends, legalities, and strategies of home schooling across the country.
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Socioeconomic Status and School Performance
Read this brief excerpt by the text authors on Ryan and Adam's findings on SES in Canada.
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Handling Diversity in Schools I
A description of the Increasing Respect for Diversity Project in PEI, designed to prevent exclusionary practices in schools based on race, culture, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientation, economic status, and ideology.
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Handling Diversity in Schools II
This excerpt from the 8th U.S. edition of Santrock's Life-Span Development text (p. 339) describes practical tips for promoting diversity in the classroom.
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