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Chapter Objectives
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At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

Define and distinguish between theory, hypotheses, and the scientific method

Compare and contrast Freud’s psychoanalytic theory with Erikson’s psychoanalytic theory

Describe Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and explain how it differs from Vygotsky’s sociocultural cognitive theory and the information-processing approach

Understand the basic principles underlying the behavioural theories

Understand how social cognitive theory has been modified in recent years

Describe the basic concepts from ethological theories

Consider how Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is similar to and different from social learning theory

Describe what is meant by an eclectic theoretical orientation

Describe the different research measures used by developmental psychologists

Compare and contrast the correlational and experimental strategies for collecting information scientifically

Define independent variable, dependent variable, and random assignment, and explain why causal conclusions cannot be made from correlational studies

Describe cross-sectional, longitudinal, and sequential approaches to research, then define cohort effects and their role in each type of study

Grasp the basics of understanding professional journal articles

Understand the standard ethics of developmental research

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