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Preschool Growth and Development
Links to many areas of preschool growth and development, including a child health guide, early childhood growth chart, assessing preschool children's development, childhood obesity, bed-wetting, and many other topics.
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Developmental Milestones
Examine developmental milestones from six months to six years of age, including those involving gross motor and fine motor skills.
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Explore the extent to which handedness is linked to hereditary and environmental factors.
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Helping an Overweight Child
Explore what causes children to become overweight, strategies for helping children lose weight, and resources.
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Symbolic Thinking
Explore young children's symbolic thinking during the early childhood years.
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Vygotsky on Language and Thought
Examine Vygotsky's main ideas about developmental changes in thought and language. Includes information about word meaning, language acquisition, zone of proximal development, and references.
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Vygotsky : Revolutionary Scientist
Evaluates the unique contributions of Vygotsky, historical contexts, and the importance of children learning to use the tools of the culture effectively.
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Teaching Strategies Based on Vygotsky's Theory
This excerpt from the 8th U.S. edition of Santrock's Life-Span Development text (p. 218-220) describes practical applications of Vygotsky's theory for the classroom.
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Children's Eyewitness Testimony
This article from the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied describes how misleading suggestions from parents influence children's eyewitness reports.
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Language Development
Read about speech and language development from four-six years of age, provided by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
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Language Growth
A language growth chart is provided by the U.S. Department of Education. Also included is information about activities to help children learn about language.
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Pragmatic Language
Provides pragmatic language tips, examines adaptive language use, and evaluates conversation skills in young children.
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Aboriginal Head Start Initiative
This Health Canada web site has several articles describing the principles and guidelines of the Aboriginal Head Start Initiative across Canada.
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Early Childhood Care and Education Around the World
Has links to key resources for early childhood education, including the ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education.
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Life-Span DevelopmentOnline Learning Center

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