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Study Quiz 1
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All atoms of the same element have
A)the same number of protons
B)the same atomic mass
C)the same number of neutrons
D)the same mass number
What is true about the following atom?
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A)It has 17 protons and 36 neutrons.
B)It has 17 protons and 19 electrons.
C)It has 36 protons and 17 neutrons.
D)It has 17 protons and 19 neutrons.
What is another way to reprsent the following isotope?
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The relative mass of an atom
A)is measured in atomic mass units (u)
B)is based on the mass of 1 atom of carbon-12
C)is different for different isotopes of an element
D)all of the above are true
Isotopic abundance
A)is the same for each element
B)is always expressed as a %
C)measures the relative amount of each naturally occurring isotope of an element.
D)is always expressed as a decimal fraction.
Average atomic mass takes into account
A)the mass of each isotope of an element only
B)the relative abundance of each isotope of an element only
C)the mass and relative abundance of each isotope of an element
D)the percentage by mass of each isotope found in nature only
Average atomic mass
A)is the mass found on the periodic table
B)is usually a whole number
C)is measured in grams
D)equals the mass of the most common isotope
When calculating average atomic mass,
A)use the abundance expressed as a decimal fraction
B)the answer should be closest to the mass of the most abundant isotope
C)report the answer with the units of u
D)all of the above are true
Without doing a calculation, which answer seems the most reasonable for the average atomic mass of boron?
20% boron-10 10.01u
80% boron-11 11.01u
A)11.01u because it is the mass of the most common isotope.
B)10.81u because it is closest but not equal to the mass of the most common isotope.
C)10.51u because it is the average of the masses of the two isotopes.
D)10.01u because it the mass of one of the isotopes.

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