BC Science 7
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Student Edition
BC Science 7

Adrienne Mason, Professional Writer/Educator
Karen Charleson, Professional Writer/Educator
Eric Grace, Professional Writer/Educator
Jacqueline Martin, Simon Fraser Junior High School

ISBN: 0070947864
Copyright year: 2004

Teacher Resources

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Student Edition

Teacher’s Resource: A complete teacher support package will feature planning ideas, assessment strategies, advice on how to handle misconceptions, science background for the non-specialist, and much more! Also included is a blackline master CD-ROM with rubrics, checklists, and additional activities to reinforce or extend student learning, as well as chapter quizzes and unit tests—in a modifiable format.

Computerized Assessment Bank: Provides teachers with questions for assignments and tests, and will be coded to correlate to the British Columbia Prescribed Learning Outcomes. All answers will be provided. User-friendly ExamView™ software.

Student Workbook: Offers modified activities, vocabulary practice, reinforcement, enrichment and extension activities, and opportunities for assessment and evaluation

Website will have relevant links to Canadian websites for the teacher and the student.

To learn more about the book request an examination copy or contact your sales rep.

BC Science 7 Small cover

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