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These lessons provided by Texas Instruments will focus on introducing you to the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus through various guided interactive activities.
These lessons are provided through Texas Instruments, and as such do not necessarily follow the Western and Northern Canadian Protocol The Common Curriculum Framework for Grades K–9 Mathematics. The following lessons and activities align with our curriculum and standards and we hope you take the time to enjoy the module and take from it what you feel will apply in your classroom setting. Module 4: Draw on Your Knowledge of Coordinates
This module will examine the following:
• using graph window presets such as zstandard, zdecimal, zinterger, to create friendly viewing windows
• manually changing the window settings to create friendly viewing graph windows and manually setting the centre of a window
• graphing lines squares, circles using tools from the draw menu and clearing drawings
• drawing on the graph screen using the draw tools from the home screen and storing/recalling drawings
• downloading and using TI Connect to capture drawings on the home screen
Module 5: Transformations
This module will examine the following:
• using the set up editor and the alpha lock feature to name and create lists
• using graph window presets such as zoomstat and zsquare to create friendly viewing windows and manually changing window settings
• performing operations on lists to reflect, translate and dilate graphs
• using the augment and dim commands to change the size of lists
Module 8: Solving Equations
This module will examine the following:
• using the guess-and-test method to solve equations
• entering expressions and using concatenation on home screen to solve expressions
• entering functions using the y = editor and using the table feature to find missing values
• Solving Equations Algebraically store values and compare answers with expressions with rational numbers
• using y= editor to graphing and using the Calc menu to find intersection points
• expressing answers in fractional form
Module 17: Systems of Linear Equations
This module will examine the following:
• using home screen to guess and check solutions and to find the intersection point of two functions
• graphing functions and performing mathematical operations on functions in the y= editor
• entering matrices and finding a solution using the rref (row reduced echelon form) feature
To view these files, Adobe's free Flash Player application is required.
For additional support on this product and material please contact Texas Instruments.
For more exciting TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus modules, please visit the Texas Instruments site. http://education.ti.com/educationportal/sites/US/nonProductMulti/pd_onlinealgebra_free.html
If you have a TI-Navigator system, please visit the Texas Instruments site for supporting modules.
The TI website offers a wide range of free activities for classroom use. Go to www.education.ti.com and visit the Activities Exchange portal for more resources that are aligned to Canadian standards.
* TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus are a trademark of Texas Instruments, Inc.
** TI-Navigator is a trademark of Texas Instruments, Inc.