Steven Dellaportas is a Fellow of CPA Australia and an Associate Professor at Deakin University, Australia. His prior affiliations include RMIT University, where he received his doctorate; La Trobe University; and the University of Ballarat. His teaching experience spans more than 20 years in a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses taught to accounting and non-accounting students in Australia and countries in South East Asia. In recent years, accounting and professional ethics has become his primary teaching and research focus. Steven has previously published one textbook: Ethics, Governance and Accountability: A Professional Perspective. Steven has published several articles on ethics and professional responsibilities in leading accounting and ethics journals including: Critical Perspectives on Accounting; Journal of Business Ethics; Corporate Governance – An International Review; British Accounting Review, Accounting and Finance; Australian Accounting Review; Social Responsibility; Journal of Business Ethics Education; and Accounting Education – an international journal. Steven is also active contributor to the profession undertaking various roles within the professional associations that include committee participation, author and chief examiner of professional development programs. Professor Steen Thomsen is director of the Center for Corporate Governance at Copenhagen Business School. He specialises in corporate governance as a teacher, researcher, consultant, commentator and practitioner. His academic publications include 25 international journal articles on corporate governance as well as several papers on other issues. He is currently researching industrial foundations – charitable foundations which own business firms. Steen has taught corporate governance courses since 1993 and has developed courses in international corporate governance, and corporate governance and finance. He has previously written the textbook An introduction to Corporate Governance. Steen has served as a board member in several business companies and is currently a non-executive chairman of two consulting firms. He writes regular newspaper columns, and has served as a consultant lecturer to several large companies and government organisations, including the EU, the UN, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, the Danish Central Bank and the Danish Venture Capital Association. He has also contributed to the Danish corporate governance code and other best practice codes. Martin Conyon is a Senior Fellow and Lecturer at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He also holds a Chair in Corporate Governance at the University of Lancaster, UK. In addition, he is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Compensation Studies at Cornell University. Martin has published over 75 articles and has made contributions to the fields of management and economics especially in the areas of boards of directors and the leadership of organisations. He has contributed to major economics and finance journals including the Review of Financial Studies, International Journal of Industrial Organization, and Journal of Industrial Economics. He is an editorial board member of the Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Organization and Corporate Governance: An International Review. |