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 Title Time SourceDescriptionVideo Questions

 Unit #1 - Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
Managing Religious Diversity at Work 3:42 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryThe video describes how Ford Motor Company manages religious diversity in the workplace. It discusses the pros and cons of recognizing and allowing for religious expression in today's diverse organizations.Questions
Talent Management at Aviva 4:08 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comRamona Tobler, VP HR business partner for underwriting and finance at Aviva, talks about the company's talent management system and how it is used to create conversations about employees' futures.Questions
Talent Management at The City of Brampton, Ontario 3:36 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comLisa Murray, skills development and education specialist at the Ontario municipality of Brampton, talks about how her organization handles talent management.Questions
Using Metrics to Drive Business Goals 2:27 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comSooky Lee, vice-president of HR at ADP Canada, talks about how metrics are helping HR departments do more with less, become more proactive in problem solving, and free up time to focus on strategic goals that help drive the business.Questions

 Unit #2 - Managing Individual Behaviour
Hiring and Individual Differences at Zappos 6:36 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryThis video discusses how the organizational culture at Zappos supports individual differences. The video also highlights hiring practices and the Zappos $3000 "quit offer."Questions
Personality, Abilities and the Building of Facebook 10:51 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryThis interview with Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, addresses questions surrounding Zuckerberg's personal life and success as it relates to Facebook.Questions
The Challenge of Work- Life Balance 3:04 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryThis video discusses the challenge of balancing work and home roles in the current economy. Cell phones, pagers, email, and other technologies have blurred the boundaries between work and home. Many workers and their families feel stress and experience problems because of work pressures.Questions
Gender Differences Controversy 8:06 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryThis video discusses research on the differences between the sexes and the "nature and nurture" debate about the origin of these differences.Questions
Google: The Digital Age and Your Memory 4:24 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryResearcher Betsy Sparrow discusses the effect of communications technology on learning and memory.Questions
Conducting OHS Incident Investigations 3:16 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comJerry Traer, program and training specialist with Workplace Safety North, talks about conducting proper incident investigations and how to ensure recommendations are implemented.Questions
Moving Entry-Level Employees Through The Ranks 3:21 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comMaria Oboardi, vice-president of people at Softchoice, talks about how her company is bringing opportunity to employees who start in entry-level positions at its call centres.Questions
Harnessing Baby Boomers in the Workplace 4:42 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comMichael Adams, president of Environics, talks about what boomers want in the workplace and how employers can put their expertise to use.Questions
 Unit #2 Additional Video Resources
 Any episode  Dragons' Den—CBC TV viewing an episode of this TV show, consider the perception of individuals who are sitting as judges and those who are presenting. Analyze the self-concept of the entrepreneurs selling their business idea. Try to identify the values of the dragons (judges) who invest their money and whether they conflict with or complement the values of the entrepreneurs. Identify how dragon motivations differ from those of the entrepreneur.
 Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts 10:34 TED Conferences www.ted.comIt can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But, as Susan Cain argues in this passionate talk, introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world and should be encouraged and celebrated.

 Unit #3 - Managing Group and Team Behaviour
Decision Making Overload 7:27 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryThis video focuses on decision-making overload-the sheer number of decisions people must make in everyday life. It discusses how people make decisions and how emotions impact decision-making.Questions
Leadership at Japan Airlines 2:04 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryThis video is about leadership at Japan Airlines and focuses on former CEO Haruka Nishimatsu. Nishimatsu is shown as a leader who does away with fancy executive perks and develops strong relationships with his employees.Questions
Accenture Friends Campus Recruitment (or search “Accenture”) 2:49 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comLisa Kramer, campus recruiting lead for Accenture and winner of TalentEgg's 2012 Campus Recruiter of the Year award, talks about how Accenture uses social media for campus recruitment. Tactics include announcing oncampus events and conducting online focus groups.Questions
 Unit #3 Additonal Video Resources
 Mark Forsyth: What’s a Snollygoster? A Short Lesson in Political Speak 6:40 TED Conferences www.ted.comMost politicians choose their words carefully to shape the reality they hope to create. But does it work? Mark Forsyth strolls through the English language, telling stories, making connections, and banishing hobgoblins.
 Margaret Heffernan: Dare to Disagree 12:56 TED Conferences www.ted.comMost people instinctively avoid conflict, but as Margaret Heffernan (the former CEO of five businesses) shows us, good disagreement is central to progress. She illustrates how the best partners aren't echo chambers, and how great research teams, relationships, and businesses allow people to deeply disagree.

 Unit #4 Managing Systems That Affect Behaviour
Organizational Culture at Zappos 7:06 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryThis video describes the unique culture at Zappos and the company's focus on both employee and customer satisfaction.Questions
Huge Benefits in Getting Organizational Design Right (or search “Laura Stepp”) 4:50 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comLaura Stepp, former Director of Americas at Intel's consulting services and a senior consultant with Kates Kesler, discusses how Intel's HR department reacted to a restructuring that saw a 40 percent cut to the department.Questions
Is the Worker a Contractor or an Employee? 5:29 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comSimon Health, a lawyer with Keyser Mason Ball LLP in Mississauga, Ontario talks about the difference between employees and contractors (both dependent and independent) and how companies can differentiate between the two for legal reasons.Questions

 Unit #5 Managing Change and Change Agents That Affect Behaviour
Depressing Jobs 2:33 McGraw-Hill Management video libraryThis video discusses on-the-job stress and depression. Certain jobs are highlighted as having higher rates of employee depression than others.Questions
Appreciative Inquiry and Changing Workplace Culture 4:32 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comKathy Sabo, Toronto Western Hospital senior vice-president, talks with HR Reporter TV about her team's use of appreciative inquiry and how it led to the development of their Positive Learning Program.Questions
CSA's Workplace Ergonomics Standard 2:28 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comNorma McCormick, president of Corporate Health Works and a member of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) workplace ergonomics standard committee, talks about reducing workplace stress and injury and CSA Z1004, the new workplace ergonomics standard.Questions
HR’s Role in a Business Transformation 4:26 Canadian HR Reporter TV www.hrreporter.comJohn Sicard, COO of Kinaxis in Ottawa, Ontario talks about the role HR plays when business is undergoing a major transformation, including getting employees involved and overcoming their resistance to change.Questions

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