Resources Primarily for Clinicians and ResearchersGeneTests - University of Washington
GeneTests is a NIH-funded project which provides detailed information for the clinician on over 200 genetic diseases, including clinical presentation, genetic counseling, and molecular genetics. This page displays the alphabetical list of diseases. The site also allows users to locate genetic testing laboratories and genetics clinics.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) - National Center for Biotechnology Information
This site is a collection of up-to-date fact sheets on nearly all known genetic disorders and related genes. The fact sheets contain information on the clinical features, inheritance, molecular genetics, mapping, diagnosis, and management of the disorder. Also included are references and often pictures for each disorder.
Cancer Genetics - National Cancer Institute
Links for patients and clinicians about genetics and gene testing related to cancer. Includes general topics and specific cancer types.
Genes and Disease Online Textbook - National Center for Biotechnology Information
Scientist-oriented site cataloging information on over 80 clinical diseases with identified genetic loci. Includes diagrams of metabolic pathways and links to gene sequences, chromosome maps, MEDLINE, and news concerning specific genetic diseases.
Resources Primarily for Patients: Genetic Disorders and Support GroupsGenetic Home Reference - National Library of Medicine
An outstanding resource with consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes resopnsible for them. Includes condition summaries, gene summaries, chromosome summaries, a genetics primer, and a glossary. Also appropriate for clinicians.
Genetic Health - Patient Information
An excellent resource for patients with information on basic genetics, specific diseases, genetic testing, and ethical issues.
Alliance of Genetic Support Groups
A non-profit organization providing access to support groups and information about genetic disorders for individuals and families.
Resources for Patients: Genetic TestingGenetic Testing and Counseling - MedLine Plus
Reliable patient information from MedLine Plus on genetic testing and counseling, covering topics such as chorionic villous sampling, cancer genetics, and general FAQs. Includes information in Spanish.