National Guideline Clearinghouse
A comprehensive database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The entire database can be searched and guidelines can be browsed by disease. Multiple guidelines can also be compared with one another. Linebreak1
Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Library is the premier resource for information on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions. It is a collection of systematic reviews of the literature and includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), and other evidence-based databases. The user can search for abstracts or browse alphabetically. Linebreak1
MEDLINEplus Patient Health Information
A wealth of patient information from the National Library of Medicine on over 600 diseases, including a medical encyclopedia, a medical dictionary, drug information, multimedia tutorials, and information in Spanish. Linebreak1
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
A wealth of information for clinicians and patients on traveler's health, vaccines, emergency preparedness, and many other topics. Includes information in Spanish. Linebreak1
A free and intuitive interface to MEDLINE, a database from National Library of Medicine which includes over 14 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1960s. Many citations link to the full text articles. Linebreak1
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
Recommendations on preventative interventions in primary care in the form of systematic reviews by a panel of experts. Includes screening tests, immunizations, counseling, and chemoprophylaxis for over 80 conditions, including cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Linebreak1
The Virtual Hospital
A regularly updated site from the University of Iowa containing large collection of multimedia resources, patient information fact sheets, and resources for clinicians. Linebreak1
UCSF Guide to Outpatient Medicine
A comprehensive and concise handbook for outpatient medicine from the University of California, San Francisco. A PDA version can also be downloaded from the site. Linebreak1
Medical news, disease information and patient handouts organized by specialty, and multimedia resources. Free registration required. Linebreak1