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The Leg, Foot, and Ankle

1A substitution in muscle testing for ankle dorsiflexion and inversion is:
A)active contraction of the extensor digitorum longus and peroneus tertius muscles
B)active contraction of the tibialis anterior
C)active contraction of the tibialis posterior muscle
D)active contraction of the tibialis posterior and extensor hallucis longus muscles

2Where would you palpate the tibialis posterior muscle?
A)anterior to the lateral malleolus
B)anterior to the navicular
C)posterior to the medial malleolus
D)distal to the cuboid bone

3What would you evaluate to confirm the presence of a deep peroneal nerve lesion if ankle dorsiflexion was not evident?
A)weakness of the peroneal muscles
B)contraction of the extensor digitorum brevis
C)sensory deficit medially on the leg
D)decreased Achilles tendon reflex

4The most common substitution for ankle plantar flexion during AROM is:
A)forefoot flexion

5The varus stress test of the ankle assesses the integrity of all of the following ligaments except the:
A)tibiofibular ligament
B)posterior calcaneofibular ligament
C)anterior talofibular ligament
D)posterior talofibular ligament

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