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The Cervical Spine

1The trapezius rotates the glenoid cavity of the scapula downward.

2You are instructing a patient in motor control using the supine head lift exercise to train deep neck flexors and sternomastoid muscles. Which of the following instructions would you give your patient for performing the head lift?
A)Lift your head quickly from the table leading with the chin and hold with chin as far toward the ceiling as possible. Hold this position for 2 seconds.
B)Lift your head slowly from the table leading with the chin, then tuck your chin down, then hold your chin down with your head off the pillow. Hold this position for 2 seconds.
C)Lift your head slowly from the table tucking your chin as you do. Keep your chin tucked in slightly and hold this position for 10-20 seconds.
D)Tuck your chin as far back as possible flattening your neck. Lift your head slowly from the table keeping your neck as flat as possible. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds.

3The pectoralis minor tendon compresses the neurovascular bundle with shoulder hyperabduction?

4An exercise in which the patient lifts the sternum upward and forward, tucks the chin in and pulls the shoulders back and down can be used to do the following, except:
A)stretch the sterno-mastoid muscles
B)strengthen the thoracic extensors
C)decrease activity in the posterior shoulder girdle muscles
D)teach posture awareness

5In a Mulligan Mobilization with Movement exercise to gain extension and right rotation at the C 4-5 segment, the motion is performed by applying pressure with a towel or finger on the:
A)right aspect of the C 4 spinous process
B)C 5 right lamina
C)C 4 left lamina
D)right aspect of the C 5 spinous process

Dutton: OrthopaedicOnline Learning Center

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