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Which of the following are influenced by organizational culture:
A)Problem solving
C)How meetings are conducted
D)How people address one another
E)All of the above

What is culture?
A)The way we do things around here
B)A necessary ingredient in making yogurt
C)The collection of lessons learned about how to be successful
D)Habitual behaviors
E)None of the above

Culture resists change because
A)It’s hard to break a habit
B)Employees are an ornery bunch
C)Culture change makes people anxious
D)No one likes to be told what to do
E)All of the above

The advantages of culture are that it
A)Automatizes behaviors
B)Provides a common frame of reference for employees
C)Reduces anxiety
D)A & B
E)A, B, and C

Why do failing behaviors become even more ingrained?
A)No one wants to admit to being wrong
B)Because behaviors fail gradually, they are reinforced intermittently
C)People like to double-down
D)The employees are out to get the company
E)Cultures are the residue of failure

Goals are helpful because
A)They reduce distractibility
B)Increase energy
C)Improve persistence
D)Focus your attention
E)All of the above

The best predictor of goal accomplishment is
A)A large salary
B)A Macintosh computer
C)Increased self-efficacy
D)Fear of failure
E)The risk of being fired if you fail

“Do your best” is
B)Highly idiosyncratic
C)Extremely motivating
D)A & B
E)A, B, & C

Goals are
A)Personally important
B)Time delimited in some way
D)Provide feedback on your progress
E)All of the above

Some different types of goals are
A)Outcome goals
B)Process or task goals
C)Learning goals
D)A & C
E)A, B, and C

Implementation intentions
A)Specify when, where, and how a goal is to be obtained
B)Can reduce distractions
C)Require hours of rehearsal and practice
D)A & B
E)A & C

The high-performance cycle
A)Is what Lance Armstrong rides
B)Connects job satisfaction to commitment to goals to rewards to job satisfaction
C)Says that performance is driven by increasing salaries
D)A method of driving performance through error reduction
E)A process of continuous improvement by eliminating the weakest performers

An effective means of motivation is
A)Large raises and bonuses
B)Your own excitement
D)Competition between team members
E)All of the above

Why is a clear vision important?
A)It helps bring clarity and meaning to goals
B)It helps the company impress customers
C)It means that you don’t need glasses
D)It prevents people from caring too much
E)None of the above

A question that a vision needs to answer is:
A)Who are we?
B)Why do we care?
C)Why does anyone else care?
D)How will our actions change the world, even if only a little bit?
E)All of the above

A vision
A)Springs forth fully formed like Athena from the brow of Zeus
B)Must be long and detailed
C)Should be short and vivid
D)Never changes
E)Only involves the executive staff

A vision is inclusive when it
A)Tells people what you’ll do to them
B)Shows people that risk and sacrifice will be shared
C)Only focuses on the clients or customers
D)Focuses on making money
E)All of the above

The first step to communicating effectively is to
A)Wear a blue suit and tie
B)Stand in the spotlight
C)Walk up and down the stage
D)Speak loudly
E)Have something to say

Before you can communicate your vision you must
A)Understand why your vision inspires you
B)Understand why you care about your vision
C)Be aware of your own hopes, dreams, and aspirations
D)Be willing to let people see how much the vision matters to you
E)All of the above

Job analysis includes
A)Hard skills, soft skills, goals, and years of experience
B)Hard skills, soft skills, behaviors, and goals
C)Hard skills, goals, willingness to work long hours
D)Soft skills, behaviors, and years of experience
E)Hard skills, goals, good descriptions of tasks

It is a true statement that
A)Looking up and to the right means someone is lying
B)Candidates are always desperate in a recession
C)Hiring is about understanding your objectives and finding someone who can bring those objectives to life
D)Specific skills are always vital in all situations
E)The interviewer can always trust his or her gut

Subject matter experts for a job do not include
A)People doing the same job
B)People doing a similar job
C)Managers of people doing the job
D)Coworkers who do a different job
E)People who used the do that job

Some typical job related needs include
A)Safety, growth, variety, relevance, and autonomy
B)Growth, variety, high salary, autonomy
C)Safety, variety, growth, long vacations
D)Variety, relevance, autonomy, coffee
E)A private office, safety, autonomy

When you hire someone, you are really offering them
B)A sense of power
C)Stock options
D)A vision of the future
E)None of the above

Some ways of making an interview more effective include
A)Listening to their story
B)Logic puzzles
C)Taking the candidate out to lunch or dinner
D)A, B, & C
E)A & C

Which statement is true:
A)Motivation must be imposed from without
B)Motivation is caused solely by large salaries
C)Threats are an effective form of motivation
D)The best motivation comes from within and is supported from without
E)Prizes are great motivators.

Having the tools you need to do your job is
A)A good idea, but dedicated people will make it work anyway
B)All that’s needed to motivate someone
C)An expense to be managed
D)A necessary precondition of motivation
E)None of the above

The motivation trap is
A)Pushing your employees instead of getting them to pull
B)Paying more and more just to maintain performance
C)Making the reward or paycheck the goal
D)B & C
E)A, B, & C

The best rewards are usually
A)A really nice t-shirt
B)The latest hot gadget
C)Tickets to the opera
E)The opportunity for someone to do something they’ve always wanted to do

A good motivational technique is
A)Making the day unpredictable in order to keep people on their toes
B)Constant interruptions
C)Reasonably consistent routines
D)Rigid rules that govern every minute of the day
E)None of the above

Which of the following are good ways of increasing motivation:
A)An exciting vision of the future
B)Managers who act as coaches and cheerleaders
C)Contact with customers
D)Taking breaks
E)All of the above

A team of heroes is
A)Highly focused
C)Dedicated to the goals of the company
D)Motivated to help one another
E)None of the above

Which of the following are stages of team development in order:
A)Forming, norming, storming, performing
B)Forming, fighting, whining, complaining
C)Forming, storming, norming, performing
D)Forming, storming, resting, adjourning
E)Forming, running, practicing, working

Forming is characterized by
A)Vitriolic argument
B)Laser-like goal clarity
C)Tentative, sometimes overly polite conversation
D)Mutual helping
E)Lack of leadership

Which of the following is true about team development:
A)A ropes course is an excellent tool for building strong teams
B)Team development takes time
C)A strong team is all “We” and no “I”
D)Leaders must rule with an iron fist
E)A strong team can run full speed out of the gate

The advantage of a team is that
A)It provides the leader with a group of flunkies
B)Henchmen are good for getting things done
C)A team provides additional hands, eyes, ears, and brains
D)It provides a reason to have managers
E)It is always the best way to work

The five bases of power are
A)Legitimate, reward, coercive, information, referent
B)Legitimate, coercive, information, expert, referent
C)Wind, water, coal, oil, nuclear
D)Legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, information
E)Legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, referent

Which of the following statements is true:
A)A team needs to be either all “I” or have no “I”
B)There is no “I” in team
C)The strength of the team comes through submerging individuality
D)The strength of the individual comes only through complete autonomy
E)The strength of the individual is the team; the strength of the team is the individual

The emotion to minimize in team development is
E)There is no room for emotion in team development

The phrase, “surgery is a form of medicine” means
A)You should always find a compromise
B)Sometimes you walk away from the negotiation
C)It’s important to make sure the other side gets what they need
D)You should fight tooth and nail for what you want
E)Negotiation doesn’t end until both parties are in the ER

In the course of negotiation it is important to
A)Be aware of your own emotional triggers
B)See things from the other side’s point of view
C)Use their imagination
D)Help them gently to the ground
E)All of the above

In giving feedback, it is important to
A)Set the time, place, and agenda and then tell your employee
B)Establish clear goals ahead of time
C)Meet no more often than once per year
D)Find things to criticize so that employees don’t get above themselves
E)Never admit when someone does good work lest you have to pay them more

Negative feedback should be
A)Focused on the defects in the employee’s personality
B)Broad and encompassing
C)Accompanied by threats of what will happen if they don’t improve
D)Focus on events that happened months before
E)Specific and detailed with a focus on your observations and reactions

The most common goal of feedback is to
A)Enable the employee to improve performance
B)Make the manager feel good
C)Provide an excuse to avoid raises
D)Put people in their place
E)None of the above

Even an apparently benign change to the company can trigger which of the following questions:
A)Where will the coffee pot end up?
B)Will I have to get a new suit?
C)Why can’t they make up their minds?
D)How will my place in the organization change?
E)What shall we have for lunch?

Minimizing employee concerns about change
A)Is the best way to move things forward
B)Implicitly acknowledges that employees care
C)Saves managers valuable time and prevents whining
D)Implies that the concerns are too difficult to be addressed
E)None of the above

In order to convince employees that change is necessary you should
A)Ask questions
B)Give speeches
C)Put out surveys
D)Fire people who don’t agree
E)Put in change machines

Which of the following are part of the change process
A)Helping people see that change is necessary
B)Helping people see the advantages of change
C)Helping people recognize that they can make change happen
D)Getting people fired up and moving forward
E)All of the above

Preparing people for change includes
A)Providing appropriate training and practice
B)Training people in groups, not individually whenever possible
C)Having leaders and team members training together
D)Providing space for experimentation and errors
E)All of the above

In order to effectively solve a problem, you should
A)Focus exclusively on the chrome
B)Identify the symptoms and treat them
C)Identify the symptoms and let them lead you to the problem
D)Ignore it; it will go away
E)None of the above

The assumption behind the Plop method of decision making is that
A)Silence means lack of agreement
B)The group knows best
C)The leader wanted it that way
D)Everyone is in agreement
E)All of the above

Minority Rule is most likely to occur in groups in
A)Forming & Storming
B)Storming & Norming
C)Forming and Performing
D)Forming, Storming, Norming
E)All stages

Autocratic rule works best
A)In early stage groups
B)When problems are complex
C)When problems are simple
D)A & B
E)A & C

Rules in a company should
A)Cover all aspects of corporate life
B)Be ones that you’re willing to enforce
C)Be easy to follow
D)Be unobtrusive
E)B, C, & D

The keys to generating ethical behavior in your company are:
A)Be a role model
B)Pay attention to the behaviors going on around you
C)Reward the behaviors you want to see
D)Make lots of speeches about ethical behavior
E)A, B, & C

The goal of your business is to
A)Make money
B)Reward shareholders
C)Employ as few people as possible
D)Create a stream of products and/or services that provide value
E)All of the above

A)Are highly inefficient and should be eliminated
B)Must be avoided at all costs
C)Are a sign of incompetence
D)Are necessary for innovation and learning
E)Will destroy any organization

Which of the following are cultural innovation traps:
D)Creeping Box
E)All of the above

Which of the following are necessary steps to increase innovation:
A)Continuous learning
B)Being at home to Mr. Cockup
C)Taking breaks
E)All of the above

The goal of a schedule is to
A)Make sure everyone is working
B)Make you can account for every instant of time
C)Know who the slackers are
D)Make sure everything is in the right place at the right time
E)A & C

A)Can activate the fight/flight response
B)Is a healthy way to generate productivity
C)Encourages innovation
D)Is just part of life so deal with it
E)B & C

Techniques for effectively dealing with the physiological effects of stress include
D)A & B
E)A, B, & C

Part of running a good meeting includes
A)Having an agenda
B)Sticking to the time allotted
C)Having goals
D)Moderating the discussion
E)All of the above

A good schedule
A)Has a flu factor
B)Is rigid and unchanging
C)Can have every milestone defined at the start
D)Does not involve people
E)All of the above

A realistic schedule is one that
A)Can be maintained over the long term
B)Has every time interval calculated using advanced statistical techniques
C)People are constantly falling behind
D)Does not accept changing circumstances
E)Is short

Culture provides us with
A)a reason to hire consultants
B)a handy excuse for why things don’t work
C)a map of how the world works
D)traditions that never had any value
E)all of the above

Changing a culture means
A)changing the times meetings are held
B)changing our fundamental view of how the world works
C)coming up with a new t-shirt design
D)designing all new products
E)firing everyone and starting over

The easiest way to change a culture is
A)rapidly as possible
B)by tossing out the old and bringing in the new
C)reassigning the executive team
D)building on or strengthening existing cultural elements
E)by instituting new rules and not tolerating any mistakes

An effective goal is one in which
A)people have no control over the outcome
B)where the result is as broadly defined as possible
C)you can get it done whenever
D)you get feedback on your progress
E)you get a prize

Proximal goals
A)tell you what color the product should be
B)keep you focused on the long-term
C)aren’t really necessary in most situations
D)don’t need feedback
E)tell you what you need to do today

Time is most usefully viewed as
A)a tool for providing you with feedback
B)a scarce resource
C)a way of identifying lazy employees
E)something that doesn’t pass in boring meetings

A good vision should
A)focus on milestones and metrics
B)identify clear profit targets
C)paint an exciting picture of the future
D)be long and detailed
E)c & d

If the leaders of the organization don’t agree on the vision
A)it won’t matter because people will do the right thing
B)it’ll sort itself out eventually
C)each department will be able to set its own goals
D)the competition between ideas will strengthen the company
E)there is likely to be confusion and disagreement about goals

An exciting vision
A)makes it easier to attract employees
B)jump-starts the high performance cycle
C)terrifies competitors
E)a, b, & c

The Godot Effect is
A)an uncontrollable desire to watch a play
B)an inability to recognize the right candidate because you’re waiting for the perfect candidate
C)complete confidence in knowing who you want to hire
D)a clearly defined hiring metric
E)none of the above

To be a talent magnet you must
A)meet the needs of the people you want to hire
B)meet the needs you know that candidates should have
C)meet your own needs
D)only hire people who are excited by meeting your needs not their needs
E)none of the above

The typical job candidate
A)has no experience being interviewed
B)probably has more experience being interviewed than you have interviewing
C)can easily Google dozens of potential questions that might be asked
D)a & c
E)b & c

The best way to convince a candidate to accept an offer is to
A)debate with them until they accept
B)keep repeating the benefits they’ll get
C)help them convince themselves
D)take full advantage of economic conditions
E)bargain with them as if they were a side of beef

Being unmotivated usually means
A)the person is lazy
B)the person has no work ethic
C)you just need to pay them more
D)it’s time to fire them and move on
E)they aren’t motivated to do what you want them to do

When you try to force someone to do what they already want to do
A)they only become more enthusiastic
B)they instinctively resist
C)they up and quit
D)product quality goes up
E)you get things done faster

Motivation can be supported by
A)having a sense of progress
B)using checklists
C)focusing on how much you’ve accomplished
D)a & b
E)a, b, & c

For a team to perform at the highest levels it needs
A)it’s own work space
B)good leadership
C)a compelling vision
D)clear goals
E)all of the above

In a strong team you will see
A)each member having a strong personal connection to the goals
B)a great deal of competition between members
C)fancy t-shirts
D)a rigid adherence to schedules
E)no individuality

When team members never disagree, that means
A)they all like each other
B)they have achieved complete goal clarity
C)the team is extremely high functioning
D)they are married
E)the team is at a very low level of development

A good leader
A)wears a suit and tie
B)can ride a horse (or has an app for it)
C)tells people what to do
D)provides enough structure to enable people to be productive
E)does all the work

A good leader
A)should be willing to take risks
B)should never take risks
C)should never tell anyone to do what they cannot do
D)a & b
E)b & c

Every team member including the leader is responsible for
A)helping to develop and build the team
B)supporting the team and one another
C)fleshing out the vision of the team
D)building connections between members
E)all of the above

A leader can encourage mutual helping by
A)assigning partners
B)making people take classes
C)punishing mistakes
D)being willing to accept and give help
E)only helping others

It is extremely important that conflict
A)be avoided at all costs
B)used to drive out the weaker members of the team
C)be met with the threat of sanctions
D)be encouraged in all situations
E)none of the above

Negotiation means giving in
A)in the same way that letting someone smash their fist into a wall is losing the fight
B)because real leaders don’t negotiate
C)because any negotiation is a sign of weakness
D)because employees will take you for all they can
E)none of the above

Getting angry is response to a challenge
A)is a normal response
B)is frequently not the best response
C)is often a good way to impress people
D)a & c
E)a & b

When negotiating with someone
A)it helps to sit kitty-corner or side-by-side
B)it’s good to seek out multiple alternatives
C)look for points of agreement
D)a & c
E)a, b, & c

Change is something that
A)never happens
B)is always a great deal of fun
C)happens all the time
D)can undermine autonomy if done too rapidly
E)c & d

Resistance is a sign that
A)you have rebellious employees
B)you are going too fast
C)you need more coffee
D)it’s time to provide employees with free lunches
E)the change effort is doomed to failure

How a company solves small problems
A)gives you insights into how they solve large problems
B)is totally irrelevant
C)is a good way of knowing who to fire
D)will always be incredibly time-consuming
E)all of the above

If you don’t have effective decision making skills
A)it is extremely difficult to solve problems
B)issues fester and return from the dead
C)leadership becomes difficult or impossible
D)effective hiring is impossible
E)all of the above

Consensus based decision making is difficult because
A)It requires a sophisticated level of group development to work well
B)people like to argue
C)most people don’t like to make up their minds
D)it usually produces the wrong answers
E)none of the above

Some reasons companies have trouble with continuous innovation are
A)it feels inefficient
B)it involves taking risks
C)you can’t always tell in advance what’s going to work
D)mistakes are often viewed as punishable offensives
E)all of the above

Moving at superhuman speed
A)is a great way to solve problems quickly
B)is necessary in today’s competitive environment
C)leads to careless errors
D)reduces our ability to think strategicially
E)c & d

Prolonged organizational stress can cause
A)communications to break down
B)interfere with the development of trust between teams
C)cause decision making to become increasingly authoritarian
D)lead to a decrease in product quality and revenues
E)all of the above

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