Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs: (Exams 220-801 & 220-802), 4/e

Michael Meyers

ISBN: 007179591x
Copyright year: 2013

Book Preface

I started writing computer books for the simple reason that no one wrote the kind of books I wanted to read. The books were either too simple (Chapter 1, "Using Your Mouse") or too complex (Chapter 1, "TTL Logic and Transistors"), and none of them provided a motivation for me to learn the information. I believed that there were geeky readers just like me who wanted to know why they needed to know the information in a computer book.

Good books motivate readers to learn what they are reading. If a book discusses binary arithmetic but doesn’t explain why I need to learn it, for example, that’s not a good book. Tell me that understanding binary makes it easier to understand how a CPU works or why a megabyte is different from a million bytes—then I get excited, no matter how geeky the topic. If I don’t have a good motivation to do something, then I’m simply not going to do it (which explains why I haven’t jumped out of an airplane!).

In this book, I teach you why you need to understand the technology that runs almost every modern business. You’ll learn to build and fix computers, exploring every nook and cranny, and master the art of the PC tech. In the process, you’ll gain the knowledge you need to pass the CompTIA A+ certification exams.

Enjoy, my fellow geek.

— Mike Meyers
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Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs

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