|  College Writing Skills, Media Edition, 5/e John Langan,
Atlantic Community College
Distinguishing FeaturesNew to This Edition - Increased coverage of the writing process!!
- A new chapter, "The Writing Process", uses a student essay to demonstrate how prewriting and revision are essential parts of the act of writing.
- Detailed strategies for prewriting and revision are now part of many writing assignments that accompany the nine rhetorical patterns of essay development in Part Two.
- "ESL Pointers" (Chapter 45) offers tips and activities for non-native speakers. Coverage of the Internet!
- A revised and updated chapter on using the library for research includes expanded coverage of using electronic resources, with a particular focus on the internet.
- Professional essays are provided in each of the nine rhetorical patterns chapters in Part Two, "Types of Essay Development".
- A new student research paper illustrates the latest MLA
guidelines, including electronic sources.
- 30 reading selections, 5 of which are new.
- The text provides a complete teaching package with an easy-to-use annotated instructor's edition, a new online learning center, student and instructor CD-ROMs, diagnostic test bank,and AllWrite!, the McGraw-Hill Writing Software program.