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Chapter 14 - The Power of the Nucleus
Section 14.1The Radioactive Decay of Atomic Nuclei
The Main Point:

The nuclei of some isotopes of some elements are inherently unstable, resulting in the emission of particles and energy from these nuclei so that they decay into stable nuclei.

Web Work: (radon on homes)


Section 14.2The Kinetics of Nuclear Decay
The Main Point:

Each unstable nuclide has a characteristic rate of decay known as its half-life. We can use the half-life of the nuclide to determine how much is left at any time.

Web Work: (radioactive calculator)


Section 14.3Applications of Natural Radioactivity
The Main Point:

Radioactive nuclides can be used for applications including the dating of old objects, detection of tumors, meeting the energy needs of society, and as weapons of mass destruction.

Web Work:

Do "nuclear medicine" photo essay - explain in a sentence or two about the equipment and how it relates to nuclear medicine.


Section 14.4The Making of a Nuclear Bomb
The Main Point:

Nuclear weapons are based on generating a supercritical mass of a fissionable nuclide.

Web Work:

Which countries have nuclear weapons? Please surf the Internet to find out, and write an essay on whether those countries having such weapons makes the world a more or less stable place in which to live.


Section 14.5Using Nuclear Fission to Produce Electricity
The Main Point:

Nuclear power generation relies on controlled fission of a critical mass of a nuclide.

Web Work:

The Center for Strategic and International Studies is a "think tank" and advocacy group studying issues of national and international security. They have a point of view about nuclear energy sources, given on their site at Greenpeace International is an organization that actively works for the protection of the global commons. They, too, have a point of view about nuclear energy sources, given on their Web site at Read what the various position papers and links on both sides have to say. Write a short essay discussing both sides of the issue, using information presented by both groups. Which side are you on, and why?


Section 14.6The Exploitation of Fusion
The Main Point:

Fusion is the coming together of two nuclei to produce a larger nucleus. In the process, tremendous amounts of energy are liberated as heat and light.

Web Work:

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has a wonderful chart that discusses the ins and outs of fusion, "Fusion - Physics of a Fundamental Energy Source". Please go to the site at Prepare a photo essay in which you teach a friend about fusion by clicking on the various parts of the chart. Print the pictures with a short commentary on each.


Sections 14.7 and 8Disposal of Radioactive Waste, and Where Do We Go From Here?
The Main Point:

Nuclear wastes tend to stick around in the environment, because some have very long half-lives. Lots of money is being spent to look for the best ways of dealing with the wastes.

Web Work:

Hanford is in Washington. Yet Oregon's Office of Energy is quite concerned about Hanford's nuclear weapons waste accumulation. Why? A good starting point is the site at


This is a complete listing of all know nuclides. For those that are energetically unstable, their half-life is given.


Chemistry: A World of ChoicesOnline Learning Center

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