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Chapter 18 - Chemistry at Home
Section 18.1 Building the House
The Main Point:

Houses are made from a wide range of materials, each with its own special chemistry.

Web Work:

What is "Green Building"? Write an essay, and discuss some products that are used, based on the information at the site,


Section 18.2Keeping the House Clean
The Main Point:

There is a phenomenal amount of chemistry associated with home cleaning products - some quite benign, some that requires more care.

Web Work:

Is this "big business"? Surf the Internet to find sales figures for some of the most popular home cleaning products. How do home cleaning product sales compare to, say, video game sales figures? What do the numbers mean?


Section 18.3Chemicals in the Kitchen
The Main Point:

The kitchen is a chemical laboratory and cooking is a chemical process.

Web Work:

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (as is true with most other public governing bodies) has codes for all manner of public facilities. Part of the code for the commercial preparation of frozen and liquid eggs is given at the site Please read the report and write a short essay describing the relationship of the codes to chemistry.


Section 18.4Personal Care
The Main Point:

Chemistry in the home extends to the products we use on ourselves, including toothpaste, shampoos and perfumes. Our jewelry represents chemistry in action.

Web Work:

Please take a tour of the Diamond exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, at the site Please write an essay that includes the types of diamonds, their occurrence, their processing and distribution. Please include in your report pictures copied (with proper citations!) from the "virtual tour."


Section 18.5Pharmaceuticals
The Main Point:

Thousands of natural and commercially-prepared substances are used to cure or lessen symptoms in humans.

Web Work:

Which is better, "brand-name" or "generic" pharmaceuticals? Write a short essay on the controversy, citing Internet references. Include in your essay information about price and effectiveness. Please use at least three products as case studies.


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