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Chapter 5 - The Role of Energy in Chemical Reactions
Section 5.1What Is Energy
The Main Point:

The Law of Conservation of Energy tells us that energy is never created or destroyed. It is only transformed between different forms and transferred from place to place. Potential energy is energy embodied in the positional arrangement of things. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement.

Web Work:

Is energy an important economic issue? The Energy Information Agency of the Department of Energy (DOE) contains information on the energy prices of all types of energy sources. Please go to the site at Under the "Fuel" button, look for the prices of crude oil and gasoline for the past year or two. How has the price changed over time and in different regions? Can you suggest reasons for the trends you observe?


Section 5.2Energy Appears in Many Forms
The Main Point:

Although we classify energy as kinetic or potential, we also recognize that it expresses itself as heat, light, wind, etc.

Web Work:

Let's revisit the DOE site at What types of energy sources are listed for meeting the energy needs of municipalities? Based on the discussion on this page and the links within - which energy sources best meet the needs of the state or city you live in? Why?


Section 5.3Energy Coming Out and Energy Going In
The Main Point:

Energy exchange is a part of all chemical reactions.

Web Work:

The University of Exeter (U.K.) Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching has a site at that is a converter among energy units. A bowl of sweetened cereal has, give or take, 150 food Calories, which is the same as 150,000 thermodynamic calories (1 Calorie = 1000 calories). How much is this in joules and kilojoules? Some of the units listed in the converter are most unusual. Pick two of them and find applications for them. For example, who uses a "horsepower-hour" and why?


Section 5.4Breaking and Making the Bonds
The Main Point:

Energy is required to break bonds and is released when bonds are formed. We can use "average bond energies" to estimate the energy released or absorbed in a chemical reaction.

Web Work:

In this section of the text, we discuss the use of hydrogen peroxide as a rocket fuel. There are all kinds of different criteria for selecting a proper rocket fuel. The NASA site at gives some of these. Please write a 3-page report on some modern fuels and their advantages and disadvantages. Surf the Internet for other reputable sources in order to supplement your information.


Section 5.5Why Do Chemical Reactions Happen?
The Main Point:

Chemical (and physical) reactions occur spontaneously in the direction that leads to an increase in the entropy ("disorder") of the universe. This can be brought about by the net dispersal of energy and/or matter. A non-spontaneous process can be driven forward by coupling it to a spontaneous process such that the combination of the two processes becomes spontaneous.

Web Work:

The Gillette Company makes Duracell batteries. The have a nifty description of their batteries for all manner of products at All of these batteries generate electricity via spontaneous chemical reactions. List some of the types of batteries that the company makes, and why each type is useful for its particular application.


Section 5.6An Introduction to Chemical Kinetics
The Main Point:

The main factors influencing reaction rates are temperature, concentration and the presence of catalysts.

Web Work:

BASF is a huge multinational chemical company which produces, among other types of products, catalysts. Recall from this section of the text that catalysts sharply increase the rate of a chemical reaction without themselves being consumed. Please go to the BASF site at You will note several classes of reactions that use catalysts. What are some common features of the catalysts, no matter what the application? What are some common applications? Perhaps surprising applications? Find on the BASF site data on catalyst sales. Is this a big business?


Section 5.7Why Bother Knowing All This?
The Main Point:

Learning about energy helps us to understand many of the choices faced in everyday life and helps us to make the choices most appropriate to our circumstances.

Web Work:

Find a Web site with examples and/or data to prove the above statement true or false.


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