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Chapter 6 - Creating with Carbon
Section 6.1Introducing Organic Chemistry
The Main Point:

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon-containing compounds. Over 90% of all known compounds are organic. The properties and function of organic compounds are dictated by their structure, and these molecules can be manipulated in systematic, repeatable and predictable ways.

Web Work:

Way back in chapter 1, we discussed the Miller-Urey experiments relating to the origin of the molecules of life. Max Bernstein, Scott Sandford and Louis Allamanadola work at NASA's Ames Research Center in California. They wrote in the July 1999 Scientific American about a different model for the origin of life's molecules, and developed a special device to test a part of the model. The article is at the site What is their proposed model? How does the cloud chamber discussed in the article help prove or disprove this model?


Section 6.2The Nature of Carbon and the 3-D Structure of Compounds
The Main Point:

The three-dimensional structure of a molecule determines its chemical behavior. There are a several fundamental types of carbon-based molecules, including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and those that are benzene ring-based.

Web Work:

The Royal Dutch/Shell Group is a world-wide conglomerate that explores for crude oil and processes it into a large number of chemicals. Please go to one of its sites at,5028,25610-51252,00.html and,5028,25610-51253,00.html. There you will find a list of some major alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and benzene-based compounds that the company produces. Pick a couple of representative compounds from these pages and find (from other sources, as necessary) their chemical formulas, Lewis structures and 3-dimenasional structures. From these two pages, please list their uses. Are there any properties that are common to the molecules in each group?


Section 6.3The Impact of Structure
The Main Point:

Functional groups bring to a molecule a specific set of chemical reactivities that can serve particular functions. There are about a dozen important functional groups.

Web Work:

One of the many topics in this section was the use of oxygenates in automotive fuels. As discussed in the text, the debate is a complex one, and rules and regulations change often. Please search the Internet in order to come up with the most recent regulations regarding the use of oxygenates in fuels. Are there now Federal regulations, or are they state-dependent? How have regulations changed with time? Finally, do you agree with the current regulations?


Section 6.4Synthtic Polymers - Structures That Have Changed Our Lives
The Main Point:

Polymers are an industrially and biologically important class of substances made by the reaction of appropriate small "monomers" bonded together. "Fullerenes" are a new form of chemically pure carbon whose properties and uses are still being explored.

Web Work:

We say that polymers are industrially important. Prove it by finding out some measure of economic impact of polymers. This might include sales of the chemicals that comprise them, sales of the products that are made from them, etc. A starting point could be Phillips Petroleum, at the site


Section 6.5Stereoisomers (New Section for 2/e)
The Main Point:

Stereoisomers include optical and geometric isomers and are important in many applications, including the preparation and activity of pharmaceuticals.

Web Work:

This article from Access Excellence, the National Health Museum, says that, "Enzymes are the cell's version of a chemist". Please read the article at the site What is meant by that statement? And what is the relationship of stereoisomers to the enzymes described in the article? Why is their interaction important in pharmaceutical manufacture?


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