For the next 5 items each item lists two categories, numbered I and II. Select the answers from the following key.
15 |  | 
I | II | Heterotrophic organisms | Fungi |
|  | A) | All members of I are also members of II, but not all members of II are members of I. |
|  | B) | All members of II are also members of I, but not all members of I are members of II. |
|  | C) | All members of I are members of II, and all members of II are members of I. |
|  | D) | No member of I is also a member of II. |
|  | E) | Some members of I are members of II and some are not, and some members of II are members of I and some are not. |
16 |  | 
I | II | Organisms with septate hyphae | Gilled mushrooms |
|  | A) | All members of I are also members of II, but not all members of II are members of I. |
|  | B) | All members of II are also members of I, but not all members of I are members of II. |
|  | C) | All members of I are members of II, and all members of II are members of I. |
|  | D) | No member of I is also a member of II. |
|  | E) | Some members of I are members of II and some are not, and some members of II are members of I and some are not. |
17 |  | 
I | II | Sac fungus | Chemolithotrophic autotroph |
|  | A) | All members of I are also members of II, but not all members of II are members of I. |
|  | B) | All members of II are also members of I, but not all members of I are members of II. |
|  | C) | All members of I are members of II, and all members of II are members of I. |
|  | D) | No member of I is also a member of II. |
|  | E) | Some members of I are members of II and some are not, and some members of II are members of I and some are not. |
18 |  | 
I | II | Deuteromycota | Produces spores sexually |
|  | A) | All members of I are also members of II, but not all members of II are members of I. |
|  | B) | All members of II are also members of I, but not all members of I are members of II. |
|  | C) | All members of I are members of II, and all members of II are members of I. |
|  | D) | No member of I is also a member of II. |
|  | E) | Some members of I are members of II and some are not, and some members of II are members of I and some are not. |
19 |  | 
I | II | Organisms with chitin cell walls | Oomycota |
|  | A) | All members of I are also members of II, but not all members of II are members of I. |
|  | B) | All members of II are also members of I, but not all members of I are members of II. |
|  | C) | All members of I are members of II, and all members of II are members of I. |
|  | D) | No member of I is also a member of II. |
|  | E) | Some members of I are members of II and some are not, and some members of II are members of I and some are not. |
20 |  |  The bread mold Rhizopus stolonifer belongs to which of the following fungal divisions? |
|  | A) | Ascomycota |
|  | B) | Basidiomycota |
|  | C) | Deuteromycota |
|  | D) | Oomycota |
|  | E) | Zygomycota |
21 |  |  The fungus responsible for ergotism belongs to which of the following fungal divisions? |
|  | A) | Ascomycota |
|  | B) | Basidiomycota |
|  | C) | Deuteromycota |
|  | D) | Oomycota |
|  | E) | Zygomycota |
22 |  |  Ergotism is responsible for all of the following except |
|  | A) | hallucinations. |
|  | B) | Irish potato famine. |
|  | C) | St. Anthony's Fire. |
|  | D) | gangrene. |
|  | E) | nervous spasms. |
23 |  |  Ascospores located in asci are found in |
|  | A) | conidiocarps. |
|  | B) | sorocarps. |
|  | C) | basidiocarps. |
|  | D) | ascocarps. |
|  | E) | plasmodiocarps. |
24 |  |  The fruiting body of a mushroom is called |
|  | A) | conidiocarps. |
|  | B) | sorocarps. |
|  | C) | basidiocarps. |
|  | D) | ascocarps. |
|  | E) | plasmodiocarps. |
25 |  |  Which of the following divisions of fungi produce uniflagellated zoospores? |
|  | A) | Ascomycota |
|  | B) | Basidiomycota |
|  | C) | Chytridiomycota |
|  | D) | Oomycota |
|  | E) | Zygomycota |
26 |  |  Water molds belong to which division? |
|  | A) | Ascomycota |
|  | B) | Basidiomycota |
|  | C) | Chytridiomycota |
|  | D) | Oomycota |
|  | E) | Zygomycota |
27 |  |  The organism that starts out as amoeboid, phagocytic cells and converts to a sluglike pseudoplasmodium that migrates prior to development of a sorocarp belongs to which division? |
|  | A) | Ascomycota |
|  | B) | Acrasiomycota |
|  | C) | Chytridiomycota |
|  | D) | Myxomycota |
|  | E) | Oomycota |
28 |  | 
Ecologically fungi are important because - they act as decomposers and aid in nutrient cycling.
- are a major cause of plant diseases.
|  | A) | I only is true. |
|  | B) | II only is true. |
|  | C) | Both I and II are true. |
|  | D) | Neither I nor II are true. |
29 |  | 
Saprophytic fungi - engulf their food in order to break it down.
- secure their food from dead organic materials.
|  | A) | I only is true. |
|  | B) | II only is true. |
|  | C) | Both I and II are true. |
|  | D) | Neither I nor II are true. |
30 |  | 
Slime molds differ from the moldy fungi - in their mode of nutrition: phagocytosis for the slime molds; absorptive heterotroph for moldy fungi.
- in that the moldy fungi produce amoeboid or flagellated cells and the slime molds do not.
|  | A) | I only is true. |
|  | B) | II only is true. |
|  | C) | Both I and II are true. |
|  | D) | Neither I nor II are true. |
31 |  | 
The Acrasiomycota differ from the Myxomycota - in their mode of nutrition: phagocytosis for the Acrasiomycota; absorptive heterotroph for Myxomycota.
- in their cellular organization: Acrasiomycota have a pseudoplasmodium where the Myxomycota have a true plasmodium.
|  | A) | I only is true. |
|  | B) | II only is true. |
|  | C) | Both I and II are true. |
|  | D) | Neither I nor II are true. |
32 |  | 
Fungi - are major causes of plant diseases.
- are pest organisms that have no commercial value.
|  | A) | I only is true. |
|  | B) | II only is true. |
|  | C) | Both I and II are true. |
|  | D) | Neither I nor II are true. |
For the next set of questions, compare the entities I and II and use the following key to characterize their relationship