|  Microbiology, 5/e Lansing M Prescott,
Augustana College Donald A Klein,
Colorado State University John P Harley,
Eastern Kentucky University
The Epidemiology of Infectious Disease
Web Exercise1. Use an Internet search engine to look up the following topics:
Pathogens on money
Tuskeegee syphilis experiment
Koch's postulates verified for AIDS and HIV
Now use the CDC web site to get more specific information about the pathogens
http://www.cdc.gov/ Write a short summary of what you discover on your searches. 2. Since most of us will be traveling abroad sometime during our lives, the
following web sites offer health advice for travelers. Choose some exotic place
you have always dreamed of traveling to outside the United States and contact
some of the following sites for recommendations. http://www.cdc.gov http://www.state.gov http://www.fas.org/promed http://www.astmh.org http://www.csih.org