|  Microbiology, 5/e Lansing M Prescott,
Augustana College Donald A Klein,
Colorado State University John P Harley,
Eastern Kentucky University
Human Diseases Caused by Viruses
Study Outline- Airborne Diseases
- Chickenpox (varicella) and shingles (zoster)
- Chickenpox
- Caused by varicella-zoster virus, a member of Herpesviridae; is acquired by inhaling virus-laden droplets into the respiratory system
- Incubation period is 10 to 23 days after which small vesicles appear on face and upper trunk
- Can be prevented or infection shortened with attenuated vaccine or the drug acyclovir
- Infection confers permanent immunity from chickenpox, but does not rid individual of virus; instead, virus enters a latent stage in the nuclei of sensory nerve roots
- Shingles
- When an adult who harbors the virus is under stress, the virus can emerge and cause sensory nerve damage and painful vesicle formation, a condition known as shingles
- Treated with acyclovir or famciclovir in immunocompromised patients
- Influenza (flu)
- Caused by orthomyxoviruses that can undergo frequent antigenic variation
- Antigenic drift-small variation
- Antigenic shift-large variation
- Animal reservoirs are important (e.g., chickens and pigs) and contribute to antigenic shifts
- Virus is acquired by inhalation or ingestion of virus-contaminated respiratory secretions; it enters host cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis
- Influenza is characterized by chills, fever, headache, malaise, and general muscular aches and pains; diagnosis can be confirmed by rapid serological tests
- Treatment is focused on alleviating symptoms, but some antiviral drugs have been shown to decrease duration and symptoms of type A influenza
- Measles (rubeola)
- A skin disease with respiratory spread caused by Morbillivirus, a member of family Paramyxoviridae
- After 10-21 day incubation, cold-like symptoms develop, followed by a rash; on rare occasions can develop into subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
- MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is used for prevention
- Mumps
- Caused by mumps virus, a member of the genus Rubulavirus in the family Paramyxoviridae
- Spread in saliva and respiratory droplets; portal of entry is the respiratory tract
- Causes swelling of salivary glands; meningitis and inflammation of testes are complications, especially in postpubescent male
- Therapy is supportive and the MMR vaccine is used for prevention
- Respiratory syndromes and viral pneumonia
- Acute respiratory syndromes
- Caused by a variety of viruses collectively referred to as acute respiratory viruses
- Associated with rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, and bronchitis; immunity resulting from infection is incomplete and reinfection is common
- Viral pneumonia is clinically nonspecific, and symptoms may be mild or severe (death is possible)
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most dangerous cause of respiratory infection in young children; is a member of the RNA virus family Paramyxoviridae
- Rubella (German measles)
- Caused by rubella virus, a ssRNA virus of family Togoviridae
- Virus is spread by respiratory droplets, and the resulting infection is mild in children (a rash), but disastrous for pregnant women in first trimester; in pregnant women it causes congenital rubella syndrome, which leads to fetal death, premature delivery, and congenital defects
- No treatment is indicated; a vaccine (MMR) is available
- Smallpox (variola)
- Caused by variola virus, a dsDNA virus belonging to the family Poxviridae
- Virus is transmitted by aerosol or contact; symptoms include severe fever, prostration, rash, toxemia, and septic shock
- Virus was eradicated as the result of a vigorous worldwide vaccination program; eradication was made possible for several reasons
- Disease has easily identifiable clinical features
- There are virtually no asymptomatic carriers
- It infects only humans (there are no animal or environmental reservoirs)
- It has a short period of infectivity
- Arthropod-Borne Diseases
- General features of arthropod-borne diseases
- Viruses multiply in tissues of insect vectors without producing disease, and vector acquires a lifelong infection
- Three clinical syndromes are common
- Undifferentiated fevers, with or without a rash
- Encephalitis-often with a high case fatality rate
- Hemorrhagic fevers-frequently severe and fatal
- Infection provides permanent immunity; for many of the diseases, no vaccines are available; treatment is usually supportive
- Colorado Tick Fever
- Caused by Coltivirus (RNA virus)
- Tick-borne; main reservoirs are ground squirrels, rabbits, and deer
- Symptoms include abrupt onset of fever, chills, severe headaches, photophobia, and muscle pain
- Serology is used to confirm diagnosis
- Yellow Fever
- Mosquito-borne; there are two patterns of transmission
- Urban cycle-human-to-human transmission
- Sylvan cycle-monkey-to-monkey and monkey-to-human transmission
- Early symptoms include fever, chills, headache, backache; these are followed by nausea and vomiting; in severe cases jaundice, lesions and hemorrhaging occur
- Prevention and control is by vaccination and vector control
- Direct Contact Diseases
- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
- Caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a lentivirus within the family Retroviridae; believed to have evolved in Africa from viruses that infect other primates
- Disease occurs worldwide, but certain groups are more at risk; these include homosexual/bisexual men, intravenous drug users, transfusion patients and hemophiliacs, prostitutes, and newborn children of infected mothers
- Virus is acquired by direct exposure of the person?s bloodstream to body fluids containing the virus; can also be transmitted via breast milk
- Virus targets CD4+ cells such as T-helper cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, and monocytes
- Precise mechanism of pathogenesis is unknown
- Four types of pathological changes may ensue
- AIDS-related complex (ARC)-mild fever, weight loss, lymph node enlargement, and presence of antibodies to HIV; can develop to full-blown AIDS
- AIDS-antibodies not sufficient to prevent infection; virus establishes itself in CD4 immunocompetent cells, which then proliferate in the lymph nodes and cause the lymph nodes to collapse; leads to depletion of T-cell progenitors, which cripples the immune system; this leaves the person open to opportunistic infections
- AIDS dementia and other evidence of central nervous system damage; the virus can cross the blood-brain barrier
- AIDS-related cancer-Kaposi?s sarcoma (caused by human herpesvirus 8; HHV-8), carcinoma of the mouth and rectum, B-cell lymphomas
- Diagnosis is by viral antigen detection or by viral antibody detection (seroconversion)
- Three types of antiviral agents are used to treat HIV disease
- Nucleoside anologues that inhibit HIV reverse transcriptase (RT)
- Nonnucleoside inhibitors of HIV RT
- Inhibitors of HIV protease
- Vaccines to stimulate production of neutralizing antibodies are currently under investigation
- Prevention and control involves screening of blood and blood products, education, and protected sexual practices (use of condoms)
- Cold sores-fever blisters
- Caused by herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1), a dsDNA virus; transmission is by direct contact
- Blister at site of infection is due to viral- and host-mediated tissue destruction
- Lifetime latency is established when virus migrates to trigeminal nerve ganglion; is periodically reactivated in times of physical or emotional stress
- Herpetic keratitis-recurring infections of the cornea; can result in blindness
- Drugs are available that are effective against cold sores; diagnosed by cell culture and immunological tests
- Common cold
- Caused by many different rhinoviruses as well as other viruses; many do not confer durable immunity
- Understanding rhinovirus structure has suggested approaches to developing vaccines and drugs
- At one time, common cold was thought to be spread by explosive sneezing, but now it is believed to be primarily spread by hand-to-hand contact; treatment is supportive
- Cytomegalovirus inclusion disease
- Most infections are asymptomatic but infection can be serious in immunologically compromised individuals; virus persists in the body and is shed for several years in saliva, urine, semen, and cervical secretions
- Infected cells have intranuclear inclusion bodies
- Diagnosis is by viral isolation and serological tests
- Some antiviral agents are available for treatment; these are only used in high-risk patients; prevention is by avoiding close personal contact with infected individual and by using blood or organs from seronegative donors
- Genital herpes
- Caused by herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2), a dsDNA virus that is a member of Herpesviridae; virus is most frequently transmitted by sexual contact
- Disease has active and latent phases
- Active phase-the virus rapidly reproduces; can be symptom free or painful blisters in the infected area may occur, as well as other symptoms (fever, burning sensation, genital soreness); blisters heal spontaneously
- Latent phase-after resolution of active phase virus retreats to nerve cells; the viral genome resides in the nuclei of host cells and can be periodically reactivated
- Congenital (neonatal) herpes is spread to an infant during vaginal delivery; therefore, infected females should deliver children by caesarean section
- There is no cure, but acyclovir decreases healing time, duration of viral shedding, and duration of pain
- Human herpesvirus 6 infections
- Etiologic agent of exanthem subitum (rash) in infants, a short-lived disease characterized by a high fever of 3 to 4 days duration, followed by a macular rash; CD4 cells are the main sites of viral replication and the tropism of the virus is wide and includes CD8+ T cells, natural killer cells, and probably epithelial cells; transmission is probably by way of saliva
- Virus produces latent and chronic infections and can be reactivated in immunocompromised individuals, leading to pneumonitis; virus has been implicated in a variety of other diseases, including chronic fatigue syndrome and lymphadenitis; diagnosis is by immunofluorescence or enzyme immunoassay; there is neither treatment nor prevention currently available
- Human parvovirus B19 infections
- Mild symptoms (fever, headaches, chills, malaise) in most normal adults; erythema infectiosum in children; joint disease in some adults; serious aplastic crisis in immunocompromised individuals or those with sickle-cell disease or autoimmune hemolytic anemia; anemia and fetal hydrops (the accumulation of fluid in the tissues) in infected fetuses
- Spread by a respiratory route
- Antiviral antibodies are the principal means of defense, and treatment is by means of commercial anti-B19 immunoglobulins; infection is usually followed by lifelong immunity
- Leukemia-certain leukemias (adult T-cell leukemia and hairy-cell leukemia) are caused by retroviruses (HTLV-1 and HTLV-2, respectively) and are spread similarly to AIDS; they are often fatal and there is no effective treatment, although interferon (INF-a) has shown some promise
- Mononucleosis (infectious)
- Caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a herpesvirus (dsDNA virus), which is spread by mouth-to-mouth contact (?kissing disease?) or by shared bottles and glasses; virus replicates in lymphatic tissue, eventually infects B cells, and causes enlargement of lymph nodes and spleen, sore throat, headache, nausea, general weakness and tiredness, and a mild fever; disease is self-limited
- Treatment is largely supportive and requires plenty of rest; diagnosis is made by serological tests
- EBV is also associated with Burkitt?s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma in certain parts of the world
- Rabies
- Caused by a number of different strains of neurotropic viruses of the family Rhabdoviridae (negative-strand RNA viruses)
- Transmitted by bites of infected animals; aerosols in caves where bats roost; or by scratches, abrasions, open wounds, or mucous membranes contaminated with saliva of infected animals
- Virus multiplies in skeletal muscle and connective tissue, then migrates to central nervous system, causing a rapidly progressing encephalitis
- In the past, diagnosis depended on the observation of characteristic Negri bodies (masses of virus particles or unassembled viral subunits); today diagnosis is based on immunological tests, virus isolation, as well as the detection of Negri bodies
- Symptoms progress and death results from destruction of the part of the brain that regulates breathing
- Vaccines conferring short-term immunity are available and must be given soon after exposure (postexposure vaccination is effective because of the long incubation period of the virus); prevention and control involves annual preexposure vaccination of dogs and cats, postexposure vaccination of humans, and frequent preexposure vaccination of humans at special risk
- Viral hepatitides
- Hepatitis is any inflammation of the liver; currently nine viruses are recognized as causing hepatitis; some have not been well characterized
- Hepatitis B (serum hepatitis)
- Caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), a dsDNA virus with a circular genome
- Virus is transmitted by blood transfusions, contaminated equipment, unsterile needles, or any body secretion; also transplacental transmission to fetus occurs
- Most cases are asymptomatic; sometimes fever, appetite loss, abdominal discomfort, nausea, and fatigue develop; death can result from liver cirrhosis or HBV-related liver cancer
- Control measures involve excluding contact with contaminated materials, passive immunotherapy within seven days of exposure, and vaccination of high-risk groups
- Hepatitis C
- Caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV) an ssRNA virus within the family Flaviviridae
- Virus is spread by intimate contact with virus-contaminated blood, in utero from mother to fetus, by the fecal-oral route, or through organ transplants
- Diagnosis is by serological tests
- Has reached epidemic proportions
- Treated with interferon
- Hepatitis D
- Is caused by hepatitis D virus (HDV) (formally called the delta agent), which only causes disease if the individual is coinfected with hepatitis B virus; coinfection may lead to a more serious acute or chronic infection than that normally seen with HBV alone
- Diagnosis is by serological tests; treatment is difficult and often involves administration of alpha interferon; prevention and control is by the use of the hepatitis B vaccine
- Recently, hepatitis F and hepatitis G have been identified and are currently being investigated
- Food-Borne and Waterborne Diseases
- Gastroenteritis (viral)-acute viral gastroenteritis
- Caused by Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses, rotaviruses, caliciviruses, and astroviruses
- Main transmission route is fecal-oral route; disease is leading cause of childhood death in developing countries
- Seen most frequently in infants; disease severity may range from asymptomatic infection, to mild diarrhea, to severe and occasionally fatal dehydration
- Viral gastroenteritis is usually self-limited; treatment is supportive
- Hepatitis A-caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV)
- Spread by fecal contamination of food or drink, or by infected shellfish that live in contaminated water
- Caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV), a plus-strand RNA virus of family Picornaviridae
- Mild intestinal infections sometimes progress to liver involvement; most cases resolve in four to six weeks and produce strong immunity
- Control is by hygienic measures and sanitary disposal of excreta; a killed vaccine (Havrix) is now available
- Hepatitis E
- Implicated in many epidemics in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America
- Caused by hepatitis E virus (HEV), an ssRNA virus
- Infection is associated with fecal-contaminated drinking water; HEV enters the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, replicates in the liver, is released from hepatocytes into the bile, and is subsequently excreted in the feces
- HEV, like HAV, usually runs a benign course and is self-limiting; can be fatal (10%) in pregnant women in their last trimester
- There are no specific measures for prevention other than those aimed at improving the level of health and sanitation in affected areas
- Poliomyelitis
- Caused by poliovirus, a member of the family Picornaviridae; is a plus-strand RNA virus that is stable and remains infectious in food and water
- Once ingested, virus multiplies in throat and intestinal mucosa; subsequently enters bloodstream and causes viremia (99% of viremia cases are transient with no clinical disease); can enter central nervous system (less than 1% of cases), leading to paralysis
- Vaccines have been extremely effective (less than 10 cases per year; no endogenous reservoir) in preventing and controlling the disease; global eradication may be possible in the next few years
- Slow Virus and Prion Diseases
- Progressive pathological process caused by a virus or a prion that remains clinically silent for months or years; this is followed by progressive clinical disease, ending in profound disability or death
- Four of the six recognized human diseases are caused by prions; these diseases are called spongiform encephalophathies
- Other Diseases
- Diseases that do not fit into any of the previous categories; includes diabetes mellitus, viral arthritis and warts
- Warts are caused by papillomaviruses; treatment involves removal of warts, physical destruction, or injection of interferon; some papillomaviruses play a major role in the pathogenesis of epithelial cancers of the male and female genital tracts