| Foundations in Microbiology, 4/e Kathleen Park Talaro,
Pasadena City College Arthur Talaro
Introduction to Viral Diseases and DNA Viruses
Concept QuestionsTake some time to write answers to these questions.
If you can answer them, you have a good grasp of the material!
1. Outline 10 medically important characteristics of viruses.
2. What accounts for the affinity of viruses for certain hosts or tissues?
What accounts for the symptoms of viral diseases?
Why are some pathologic states caused by viruses so much more damaging and life-threatening than others?
3. Outline the target organs and general symptoms of DNA viral infections.
4. What is the general rule governing the cell locations where DNA and RNA viruses multiply?
What factors determine whether latency occurs or not?
In what special way can people carry DNA viruses?
5. Briefly describe the epidemiology and symptoms of smallpox.
Why was it such a great killer?
What is a pock, and how is it formed?
What is the basis for the vaccine given for smallpox?
How is it protective?
6. What is the disease molluscum contagiosum?
For what other infection in this chapter could it be mistaken?
Explain why humans would suddenly become more susceptible to monkeypox.
7. What are the common characteristics of herpesviruses?
8. Compare the two types of human herpes simplex virus according to the types of diseases they cause, body areas affected, and complications.
Why is neonatal infection accompanied by such severe effects?
Is HSV-1 as severe as HSV-2 in this condition?
What causes recurrent attacks?
9. Under what circumstances does one get chickenpox and shingles?
Where do the lesions of shingles occur, and what causes them to appear there?
How are ZIG and VZIG used?
10. What are the main target organs of CMV?
How is it transmitted?
What group of people is at highest risk for serious disease?
11. What are the main diseases associated with Epstein-Barr virus?
What appears to be the pathogenesis involved in Burkitt’s lymphoma?
Why is mononucleosis a disease primarily of college-age Americans?
12. Define viral hepatitis, and briefly describe the three main types with regard to causative agent, common name, severity, and mode of acquisition.
What is the effect of the delta agent?
13. What is unusual about the genome of hepatitis B virus?
What is the usual source of the virus for study?
What is important about the virus with regard to infectivity and transmission to others?
What groups are most at risk for developing hepatitis B?
14. What is the course of hepatitis B infection from portal of entry to portal of exit?
Describe some serious complications.
15. What is the nature of the vaccines for hepatitis B?
Who should receive them?
16. What are the principal diseases of adenoviruses?
How are they spread?
17. Compare the locations and other characteristics of the three types of warts.
What type is most serious and why?
How are warts cured?
18. Name the most important human parvovirus and the disease it causes.
19. Which DNA viruses are zoonotic?
Which are intestinal viruses?
Which are spread by blood and blood products?
Which are spread by respiratory droplets, kissing, and other nonsexual intimate contact?
20. For which DNA viruses are there effective vaccines?
Who receives them?