| Foundations in Microbiology, 4/e Kathleen Park Talaro,
Pasadena City College Arthur Talaro
An Introduction to the Viruses
Chapter OverviewViruses: - Are a unique group of tiny infectious particles that are obligate parasites of cells.
- Do not exhibit the characteristics of life, but can regulate the functions of host cells.
- Infect all groups of living things and produce a variety of diseases.
- Are not cells but resemble complex molecules composed of protein and nucleic acid.
- Are encased in an outer shell or envelope and contain either DNA or RNA as their genetic material.
- Are genetic parasites that take over the host cell’s metabolism and synthetic machinery.
- Can instruct the cell to manufacture new virus parts and assemble them.
- Are released in a mature, infectious form, followed by destruction of the host cell.
- May persist in cells, leading to slow progressive diseases and cancer.
- Are identified by structure, host cell, type of nucleic acid, outer coating, and type of disease.
- Are among the most common infectious agents, causing serious medical and agricultural impact.