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Learning Objectives
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Chapter 10 begins our study of the circuits used for analog electronic signal processing. We will develop an understanding of this group of concepts related to linear amplification:
  1. Voltage gain, current gain, and power gain
  2. Gain conversion to decibel representation
  3. Input resistance and output resistance
  4. Transfer functions and Bode plots
  5. Cutoff frequencies and bandwidth
  6. Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and band-reject amplifiers
  7. Biasing for linear amplification
  8. Distortion in amplifiers
  9. Two-port representations of amplifiers
  10. g-, h-, y-, and z-parameters
  11. Use of transfer function (TF) analysis in SPICE

Jaeger: Microelect Ckt DesignOnline Learning Center

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