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Learning Objectives
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In Chapter 11, we hope to achieve these goals:
  1. Understand behavior and characteristics of ideal differential and operational amplifiers
  2. Study nonideal operational amplifier behavior
  3. Demonstrate techniques used to analyze circuits containing both ideal and nonideal op amps
  4. Understand the techniques used to determine voltage gain, input resistance, and output resistance of general amplifier circuits
  5. Fully characterize the classic op amp circuits, including the inverting, noninverting, summing, and instrumentation amplifiers, the voltage follower and the integrator
  6. Learn many of the factors that must be considered in the design of circuits using operational amplifiers
  7. Understand the frequency response limitations of individual op amp circuits
  8. Find the characteristics of cascaded amplifiers including gain, input resistance, output resistance, and frequency response

Jaeger: Microelect Ckt DesignOnline Learning Center

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