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Questions for Review - Chapter 4
Why is visualization important in engineering and technical graphics? Is it useful in any other fields? Are you born with the ability to visualize, or is it learned?
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Explain the relationship between seeing real objects, seeing in the mind’s eye, and drawing on paper or with the computer.
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What role do ideation sketches play in the design process? Do they use new or existing graphic information.
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What is the relationship between faces and edges in the visualization of an object?
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Do planar and curved surfaces reveal themselves differently on an object?
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Explain the different visual results of additive and subtractive combinations of two solids. Are there ways of arranging additive or subtractive combinations such that the resulting object doesn't look any different?
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What are the differences in the way normal, inclined, and oblique faces are visualized? How are cutting planes used to generate these faces?
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Can cutting planes create circular or elliptical faces?
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Define a development. How is it used in visualization?
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Give examples of nominal, ordinal, and scalar variables. Are these variables qualitative or quantitative?
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Look at the results of engineering analyses in journals or textbooks. What are the independent and dependent variables? Can a dependent variable be the independent variable in another experiment, and vice versa?
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Give examples of three different visualizations in which a line mark can be used. What are some of the different way of coding multiple independent variables in a line graph?
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Give examples of at least three different types of bar graphs. Can the independent variable be depicted on both the vertical and horizontal axes? What are two ways multiple independent variables can be depicted in a bar graph?
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