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Questions for Review - Chapter 5
What is a nonmanifold object? Sketch an example of one.
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Describe the differences and similarities of B-rep models and CSG models; do the same for wireframe models and B-rep models.
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Define the three types of Boolean operations, and sketch examples of each one. Can you derive the same final object using different Boolean operations and/or primitives?
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What is "design intent"? Why does this play a role in planning the construction of a constraint-based model?
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What are the basic elements of a generalized sweep? Describe the major types of generalized sweeps used in feature creation.
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What are workplanes used for? What are five ways a workplane can be defined?
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What is the difference between implicit and explicit constraints? Give examples of four types of implicit geometric constraints.
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Give an example of a parent-child relationship. How is a feature tree used to identify parent-child relationships?
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What are the two primary types of duplication methods? What input parameters are needed to define each one?
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What are the elements used to define a view of a 3-D model? Which types of view commands don't change the projection of the model?
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What is the difference between unidirectional and bidirectional associativity? What are the advantages and disadvantages of bidirectional associativity?
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How is the base view used in generating multiviews from a 3-D model?
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What are the two primary ways of constraining parts in an assembly? What modifier is often used with these?
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Define the types of analyses that can be used with 3-D models. Will all of these always be used when designing a part?
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What advantages are there for using data from a 3-D model when analyzing the manufacture of a part?
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