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Interactions 2 Listening/Speaking, 4/e
Judith Tanka, University of California, Los Angeles
Lida R. Baker, University of California, Los Angeles

Medicine, Myths, and Magic

Listening for Specific Information

Listen to this first aid instructor. Based on the information you learn, choose the correct answer for each question below.


Anna is crossing the street and sees a young woman lying on the ground with her eyes closed. What should she do first?
A)she should shout for help
B)she should move her on her back
C)she should ask the person if she is okay

The young woman does not answer. What should she do next?
A)she should shout for help
B)she should move her on her back
C)she should check if she is breathing

The woman is lying on her side. What should she do next?
A)leave her as she is
B)tilt her head back
C)move her on her back

The woman is in the correct position. What does she need to do next?
A)check for her chest to rise and fall
B)tilt her head back and lift her chin to open her airway
C)tilt the head back, close the nose, and breathe into the woman's mouth

Anna checks if the woman is breathing, but she is not. What should she do next?
A)check her pulse
B)breathe into her lungs
C)shout for an ambulance

Anna feels a pulse on the side of the woman's neck. What should she do next?
A)stop rescue breathing until help arrives
B)stop rescue breathing and wait for the woman to start breathing
C)continue rescue breathing until help arrives or the woman starts breathing