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Interactions 2 Listening/Speaking, 4/e
Judith Tanka, University of California, Los Angeles
Lida R. Baker, University of California, Los Angeles

Business and Money

Summarizing main ideas

Listen to the conversation. Which sentence best summarizes the conversation?


A)A student calls his father to borrow money. The father gets really mad, says no, and hangs up the phone.
B)A student calls his father to ask for money. The father agrees to lend him the money one last time. The son thanks his father and says it will not happen again.
C)A student calls his father to borrow money. The father tells him he needs to think about budgeting his money more carefully. The father says they should talk in a week after the son has had time to think things over.
D)A student calls his father to ask for money. The father refuses. The son gets angry and tells his father that he doesn't need his money because he is going to get a second job.