|  Issues in Economics Today Robert Guell,
Indiana State University
Feature Summary- Unique format separates theory chapters from issues chapters, which allows instructors to pick and choose which issues to cover. This format allows flexibility in course design that is unparalleled in issues texts.
- Conversational writing style makes it easy for students not majoring in economics to connect with the material. This writing style puts students at ease and allows them to feel more confident in the course and learn more.
- Attention-grabbing Issues such as Prescription Drugs, Affirmative Action, The Economics of Sports and Social Security are covered in Chapters 8-42.
- Chapter Outline and Chapter Objectives set the stage at the beginning of each chapter to let the student see how the chapter is organized and anticipate the concepts that will be covered.
- Key Terms are defined in the margins, recapped at the end of each chapter, and included in the Glossary.
- Chapter Summaries at the end of each chapter reinforce what has been covered.
- Issues Chapters You Are Ready For Now are found at the end of each theory chapter with page numbers, so students can go straight to the first page of the issues chapters that interest them once they've mastered the prerequisite theoretical principles.
- Quiz Yourself includes approximately ten multiple choice questions for self-quizzing at the end of each chapter. Answers are provided in the Instructor's Manual.
- Think About This asks provocative questions that encourage students to think about how economic theories apply to the real world by putting themselves in the economic driver's seat. For example, one "Think About This" asks "Suppose you buy a new car. What is the opportunity cost of doing so?" This feature facilitates active learning so that the students will learn the concepts more thoroughly.
- Talk About This includes questions designed to trigger discussion.
- For More Insight See sends the students to websites and publications to find additional material on a given topic. Since economic issues are particularly time-sensitive, this feature not only helps students learn to do research on the Web, but also keeps the course as fresh and current as today's newspaper.