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Issues in Economics Today
Issues in Economics Today
Robert Guell, Indiana State University

Fiscal Policy


administrative lag  The time it takes for Congress and the president to agree on a course of action.
aggregate demand shock  An unexpected event which causes aggregate demand to increase or decrease.
aggregate supply shock  An unexpected event which causes aggregate supply to increase or decrease.
discretionary fiscal policy  Government spending and tax changes enacted at the time of the problem to alter the economy.
fiscal policy  The purposeful movements in government spending or tax policy designed to direct an economy
nondiscretionary fiscal policy  That set of policies that are built into the system to stabilize the economy
operational lag  The time it takes for the full impact of a governmental program or tax change to have its effect on the economy.
political business cycle  Politically motivated fiscal policy used for short-term gain just prior to elections.
recognition lag  The time it takes to measure the state of the economy.
shock  Any unanticipated economic event.
