draft | The process by which new talent is assigned to teams.
free agent | A player who is able to offer services to the highest bidder.
local substitution | The effect of the substitution of one economic activity for another within a community, so the net effect is zero.
lockout | An action by employers to deny employees access to their jobs.
marginal revenue product of labor | The additional revenue generated from hiring an additional worker.
positive externalities | The benefit that a person other than the buyer or seller receives as the result of a transaction.
reservation wage | The least amount that a player will accept because it is the next best offer.
reserve clause | A contract clause that requires that players re-sign with the team to which they belonged the previous year.
revenue sharing | The process by which some revenues are distributed to all teams rather than simply the teams that generate them.
salary cap | The maximum in total payroll that a team can pay its players.
strike | An action by labor to deny employers the services of the employees.