Cleveland P. Hickman,
Washington and Lee University Larry S. Roberts,
Florida International University Allan Larson,
Washington University
ISBN: 0072349034 Copyright year: 2003
Animal Diversity is a textbook tailored for the restrictive requirements of a one-semester or one-quarter
course and is appropriate for both non-science and science majors of varying backgrounds. This third
edition of Animal Diversity presents a survey of the animal kingdom with emphasis on diversity,
evolutionary relationships, functional adaptations, environmental interactions, and certainly not least,
readability. We also continue with several pedagogical aids for students: opening chapter dialogues
that relate a theme or topic drawn from the chapter; chapter summaries and review questions to aid
student comprehension and study; accurate and visually appealing illustrations; in text derivation of
generic names; chapter notes and short essays that enhance the text by offering interesting sidelights
to the narrative; pronunciation of taxa in the tables of classification; and an extensive glossary
providing pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms used in the text.
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