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Psychology 5/e Book Cover
Psychology, 5/e
Lester M. Sdorow, Arcadia University
Cheryl A. Rickabaugh, University of Redlands

Psychology as a Science

For More Information On Psychology As A Science

For General Works on Psychology as a Science

        Brannigan, G. G., and Merrens, M. R. (Eds.). (1993). The undaunted psychologist: Adventures in research. New York: McGraw-Hill.

        Danziger, K. (1990). Constructing the subject: Historical origins of psychological research. New York: Cambridge University Press.

        Stanovich, K. E. (1992). How to think straight about psychology (3rd ed.). New York: HarperCollins.

For More on Sources of Knowledge

Everyday Sources of Knowledge

        Fletcher, G. (1996). The scientific credibility of folk psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

        Siegfried, J. (Ed.). (1993). The status of common sense in psychology. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

The Scientific Method

        Caplan, P. J., and Caplan, J. B. (1999). Thinking critically about research on sex and gender (2nd ed.). New York: Longman.

        Gower, B. (1997). Scientific method : A historical and philosophical introduction. New York: Routledge.

        Matsumoto, D. (1994). Cultural influences on research methods and statistics. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

        Neuliep, J. W. (Ed.). (1991). Replication research in the social sciences. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

        Smith, R. A. (1995). Challenging your preconceptions: Thinking critically about psychology. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

For More on the Goals of Scientific Research

        Cummins, R. (1983). The nature of psychological explanation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

        MacDonald, C., and MacDonald, G. (1995). Philosophy of psychology: Debates on psychological explanation. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

For More on Methods of Psychological Research

        Goodwin, C. J. (1996). Research in psychology: Methods and design. New York: Wiley.

Naturalistic Observation

        Goodall, J. (1986). The chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of behavior. Cambridge, MA: Belknap/Harvard.

Case Study Research

        Bromley, D. B. (1986). The case-study method in psychology and related disciplines. New York: Wiley.

Survey Research

        Converse, J. M. (1987). Survey research in the United States: Roots and emergence, 1890-1960. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Psychological Testing

        Cohen, R. J., Swerdlik, M. E., and Phillips, S. M. (1996). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (3rd ed.). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.

Archival Research

        Elder, G. H., Jr., Pavalko, E. K., and Clipp, E. C. (1993). Working with archival data: Studying lives. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Correlational Research

        Kenny, D. A. (1979). Correlation and causality. New York: Wiley.

Experimental Research

        Levin, I. P., and Hinrichs, J. V. (1995). Experimental psychology: Contemporary methods and applications. Madison, WI: Brown and Benchmark.

        Orne, M. T. (1991). On the social psychology of the psychological experiment. New York: Irvington.

        Rosenthal, R. (1976). Experimenter effects in behavioral research. New York: Irvington.

For More on the Statistical Analysis of Data

        Chow, S. L. (1996). Statistical significance. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

        Cowles, M. (1989). Statistics in psychology: An historical perspective. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

        Holmes, C. B. (1990). The honest truth about lying with statistics. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.

        Hunter, J. E., and Schmidt, F. L. (1995). Methods of meta- analysis. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage.

        Spence, J. T., Cotton, J. W., Underwood, B. J., and Duncan, C. P. (1990). Elementary statistics (5th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

For More on the Ethics of Psychological Research

        American Psychological Association. (1992). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 47, 1597--1611.

        Canter, M. B., Bennett, B. E., Jones, S. E., and Nagy, T. F. (1994). Ethics for psychologists: A commentary on the APA ethics code. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

        Miller, D. J., and Hersen, M. (Eds.). (1992). Research fraud in the behavioral and biomedical sciences. New York: Wiley.

        Pallone, N. J., and Hennessy, J. J. (Eds.). (1995). Fraud and fallible judgment: Deception in the social and behavioral sciences. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.

Ethical Treatment of Human Participants

        Barnes, J. A. (1979). Who should know what? Social science, privacy, and ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.

        Faden, R. R., and Beauchamp, T. L. (1986). A history and theory of informed consent. New York: Oxford University Press.

Ethical Treatment of Animal Subjects

        American Psychological Association. (1993). Guidelines for ethical conduct in the care and use of animals. Washington, DC: Author.

        Fox, M. A. (1986). The case for animal experimentation: An evolutionary and ethical perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press.

        Garner, R. (1997). Animal rights: Past, present, and future perspectives. New York: New York University Press.

        Regan, T. (1983). The case for animal rights. Berkeley: University of California Press.

        Rollin, B. E. (1989). The unheeded cry: Animal consciousness, animal pain, and science. New York: Oxford University Press.

        Shapiro, K. J. (1998). Animal models of human psychology: Critique of science, ethics, and policy. Toronto: Hogrefe and Huber.

For More on Contributors to Psychology as a Science

        Anastasi, A. (1980). Anne Anastasi. In G. Lindzey (Ed.), A history of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 4, pp. 1-37). San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.

        Cranston, M. (1979). John Locke: A biography. New York: Oxford University Press.

        Fisher Box, J. (1978). R. A. Fisher: The life of a scientist. New York: Wiley.

        Forrest, D. W. (1974). Francis Galton: The life and work of a Victorian genius. New York: Taplinger.

        Gaukroger, S. (1995). Descartes: An intellectual biography. New York: Oxford University Press.

        Goodall, J. (1990). Through a window: My thirty years with the chimpanzees of Gombe. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

        Leary, J. E. (1994). Francis Bacon and the politics of science. Ames: Iowa State University Press.

        Myers, G. E. (1986). William James: His life and thought. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

        Pearson, E. S. (1938). Karl Pearson: An appreciation of some aspects of his life and work. New York: Cambridge University Press.

        Pearson, E. S., Plackett, R. L., and Barnard, G. A. (Eds.). (1990). Student: A statistical biography of William Sealy Gosset. New York: Oxford University Press.

        Tankard, J. W., Jr. (1984). The statistical pioneers. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman.