Online Learning Center This web site located at hosts
instructor and student tools. The instructor's material is password protected
and offers topics for classroom discussion, provides approximately 70 test
questions for each chapter, PowerPoint lecture outlines, and highlights the
main ideas of each chapter. The complete Instructor's Manual is available
at this site. Students will find online quizzing, exercises, and simulations that will
enhance the text material and offer a thorough review of the content. The
Student Study Guide is posted to the Online Learning Center for students to
access at no charge.
PowerWeb Included within the Online Learning Center, PowerWeb is password protected
and provides access to a course-specific website developed with the help of
instructors teaching the course to provide instructors and students with curriculum-based
materials, updated weekly assessments, informative and timely world news,
refereed web links and much more. You'll get daily news updates and have access
to 5,900 research sources through the internet's most thorough search tool,
Northern Light. This differs from the Online Learning Center in that it extends
the learning experience beyond the core textook content into other subject
areas. PowerWeb is designed to supplement the text content by offering outside
readings, research opportunities, and more. You and your students will find
a passcode card included with every new textbook. Use this passcode to register
for access to PowerWeb.
Electronic Text An Interactive Version of the text will be available 12/15/2001. This CD
ROM will offer students the opportunity to read the book "Online" linking
to activities, animations and quizzing whenever they need assistance
Tools to Enhance Your Classroom Presentation Visual Resource Library CD-ROM . This CD-ROM contains images from Getis
et al: Introduction to Geography as well as other McGraw-Hill GeoScience titles.
These images can be imported into PowerPoint, as well as other presentation
software, to create your own personalized presentation. Transparencies. A set of 100 four-color transparencies are available. Slides. If you prefer to use slides in your classroom, we offer a
set of 100. Videotape Library. Qualified adopters can select from numerous videotapes.
Contact your sales representative for a listing and description of the videotapes.
Instructor's Supplements Classroom Testing Software. Computerized testing software, MicroTest, is
available in both IBM and Macintosh formats to instructors.
Packaging Options McGraw-Hill offers many supplements, both print and electronic, that can
be packaged at a significant discount to your students. Choose from Student
Atlas of World Geography by McGraw-Hill/Dushkin or Atlas of World Geography
and Eyewitness World Atlas CD-ROM both by Rand McNally. McGraw-Hill/Dushkin
also publishes Student Atlas of World Politics, The Global Studies Series,
and Annual Editions-Geography all of which complement introductory geography
courses. Contact your McGraw-Hill sales representative for information on
these supplements.