Select the most correct answer from the alternatives given.
1 | | A society characterized by collectivities based on kinship ties, little social differentiation and no specialization of function would be termed: |
| | A) | agricultural |
| | B) | postindustrial |
| | C) | preagricultural |
| | D) | preindustrial |
2 | | From most general to most specific, which is the most accurate hierarchical representation of cultural units? |
| | A) | complex, realm, region, trait |
| | B) | realm, complex, region, trait |
| | C) | realm, region, complex, trait |
| | D) | trait, complex, region, realm |
3 | | The relocation of poverty in developing countries from rural areas to urban areas is a result of: |
| | A) | rural landlessness |
| | B) | technology advances |
| | C) | UN FAO support |
| | D) | the domestication of plants and animals |
4 | | Religions that tend to be expansionary, seeking to transmit their beliefs to new peoples and areas, are termed: |
| | A) | ethnic |
| | B) | secular |
| | C) | tribal |
| | D) | universalizing |
5 | | Cultural convergence refers to: |
| | A) | the fact that not all cultures pass through all stages of cultural development at the same time |
| | B) | the belief that the physical environment by itself shapes humans, their actions and their thoughts |
| | C) | the sharing of technologies, organizational structures, and cultural traits and artifacts by widely separated societies |
| | D) | that fact that, while cultures are essentially conservative, they are always in a state of flux |
6 | | Which of the following regional-plant domestication associations is incorrect? |
| | A) | East Africa - coffee, cotton. okra, sorghum |
| | B) | Mediterranean - barley, celery, grapes, olives |
| | C) | Meso-America - beans, maize, manioc, squash |
| | D) | South and Southeast Asia - papaya, potato, pumpkin, tomato |
7 | | Which of the following is not a process of cultural change? |
| | A) | acculturation |
| | B) | diffusion |
| | C) | innovation |
| | D) | segregation |
8 | | The belief that the physical world shapes human activity and, therefore, culture, has been labeled: |
| | A) | cultural integration |
| | B) | environmental determinism |
| | C) | the cultural landscape |
| | D) | possibilism |
9 | | North Africa and the Middle East are dominated by the language family termed: |
| | A) | Afro-Asiatic |
| | B) | Indo-European |
| | C) | Sudanic |
| | D) | Ural-Altaic |
10 | | Changes in culture, both major and minor, are induced by: |
| | A) | spatial diffusion, acculturation, and religion |
| | B) | innovation, spatial diffusion, and acculturation |
| | C) | innovation, language, and religion |
| | D) | language, religion, spatial diffusion |
11 | | World culture realms are areas: |
| | A) | where only one culture is present |
| | B) | that exhibit a unique blend of cultural characteristics |
| | C) | where a cultural trait originated |
| | D) | that are co-extensive with continents |
12 | | The center of the domestication of maize (corn) was: |
| | A) | Andean Uplands |
| | B) | Eastern Brazil |
| | C) | Meso- America |
| | D) | West Africa |
13 | | The process of the fusion of old and new cultural forms and practices by contact with outside groups is termed: |
| | A) | acculturation |
| | B) | adaptation |
| | C) | amalgamation |
| | D) | syncretism |
14 | | Within the United States, Baptists are regionally dominant in the: |
| | A) | Mountain West |
| | B) | New England region |
| | C) | South |
| | D) | Upper Midwest |
15 | | Legal and educational systems are important components of which subsystem of culture? |
| | A) | ideological |
| | B) | protological |
| | C) | sociological |
| | D) | technological |
16 | | Of the four major world religions, the one, which has experienced the most extensive worldwide dispersion, is: |
| | A) | Buddhism |
| | B) | Christianity |
| | C) | Hinduism |
| | D) | Islam |
17 | | One distinguishing feature of all culture hearths of the Old World and the Americas is their: |
| | A) | abandonment as centers of culture and settlement in modern times |
| | B) | clustering in a band around the earth between 20 degrees south and 40 degrees north latitude |
| | C) | confinement to lowland river valleys |
| | D) | location on the western sides of continental landmasses |
18 | | Which of the following relations involving a nation and religious conflict between groups is incorrect? |
| | A) | Philippines - Christians and Jews |
| | B) | Palestine - Muslims and Jews |
| | C) | Northern Ireland - Catholics and Protestants |
| | D) | Sri Lanka - Buddhists and Hindus |
19 | | The present day spatial distribution of Buddhism is best described as: |
| | A) | China, Tibet, Siberia, Korea |
| | B) | Northern India, China, Southeast Asia |
| | C) | Southeast Asia, Tibet, China, Mongolia, Japan |
| | D) | Tibet, India, Middle East, Japan |
20 | | The viewpoint that people, not environments, are the dynamic forces of cultural development is called: |
| | A) | environmental determinism |
| | B) | possibilism |
| | C) | syncretism |
| | D) | civilization |
21 | | When immigrants to a country give up many of their past cultural traits, lose their distinguishing characteristics and merge into the mainstream of the dominant culture, they are said to have: |
| | A) | acculturated |
| | B) | amalgamated |
| | C) | adapted |
| | D) | assimilated |
22 | | Under which form of economic organization does each sex maintain a respected, productive, coequal role in the kinship group? |
| | A) | industrial |
| | B) | commercial agriculture |
| | C) | hunting and gathering |
| | D) | subsistence agriculture |
23 | | The status of women is a cultural spatial variable because: |
| | A) | women are found all over the world |
| | B) | gender relationships and role assignments differ among societies |
| | C) | women follow men in migration |
| | D) | women are the prime producers of agricultural products |
24 | | Which of the following is not an effect of popular culture? |
| | A) | uniformity is substituted for differentiation |
| | B) | the individual is exposed to a broader range of available opportunities |
| | C) | it obliterates locally distinctive folk culture lifestyles. |
| | D) | it reinforces tradition and resistance to change. |
25 | | Which of the following is not an aspect of material culture? |
| | A) | furniture |
| | B) | tools |
| | C) | folk songs |
| | D) | musical instruments |