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Introduction to Geography, 8/e
Arthur Getis, San Diego State University
Judith Getis
Jerome D. Fellmann, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Geography of Spatial Behavior

Multiple Choice Quiz

Select the most correct answer from the alternatives given.


Which of the following statements about mental maps is true?
A)As children grow older their mental maps become more spatially restrictive.
B)It is possible to reproduce on paper an exact replica of the mental image one has of an area.
C)People have no mental maps of the places they have not experienced.
D)They suggest that near places are more important to far places.

A comparison of Figure 8.8(a) with Figure 8.8(b) would lead one to conclude that:
A)distance decay operates more strongly on the Old Order Mennonites
B)Old Order Mennonites are lazier than rural cash-economy Canadians
C)Old Order Mennonites have a longer critical distance
D)rural cash-economy Canadians like to shop

With respect to migration fields:
A)areas near the point of origin constitute the largest segment
B)they are the same as channelized migration flows
C)the movement of retirees to Florida is a good example
D)the size of the destination is not a factor

Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to hierarchical diffusion?
A)It often occurs simultaneously with the other two methods of diffusion.
B)It occurs only after all lower levels in the hierarchy have received the information.
C)People near large innovation centers often benefit as information diffuses outward.
D)Small towns closer to high-level centers can receive the information before the more distant medium-sized centers.

Which of the following factors has caused more migrations than any other type?

Which of the following would an American not consider as a reason to migrate?
A)changes in life course
B)changes in political affiliation
C)changes in the career cycle
D)changes in the neighborhood in terms of crime

The value of a place as a migration destination is known as its:
A)critical distance
B)directional bias
C)place utility
D)spatial search

The two most common responses to the uncertainty of natural hazards are to eliminate the uncertainty and:
A)eliminate the hazard
B)make it determinate and knowable
C)move to a less hazardous area
D)transfer the uncertainty to a higher power

The initial stage in the process of contagious diffusion is best described as a:
A)rapid rate of spread confined to a small geographical area
B)rapid rate of spread that is geographically extensive
C)slow rate of spread confined to a small geographical area
D)slow rate of spread that is geographically extensive

When transferring their mental maps to paper, people tend to place their own location:
A)in a central position
B)in a neutral position
C)in a subordinate position
D)not in the picture at all

A cultural barrier to the decision to migrate would exist when:
A)a Chinese person limits potential migration destinations to those cities that possess a “Chinatown”
B)a job offer requiring a move to another city does not pay enough money to offset the increased cost of living there
C)a nation imposes quotas on the number of migrants that it is willing to admit in any one year
D)only one or a few members of a family move to a new region so as to make enough money to send for the remainder at a later time

The spatial extent of individual activity spaces depends on all of the following except:
A)means of mobility
B)opportunity for interaction
C)stage of the life course
D)strength of territoriality

Of all types of trips taken by urban residents the most frequently occurring are:
A)personal business trips
B)school trips
C)shopping trips
D)work trips

Which of the following features does not constitute a barrier to diffusion?
A)agricultural systems
C)physical features
D)political systems

In the majority of societies the most mobile segment of the population is:
C)the middle aged
D)young adults

Innovation, the generation of new ideas and methods, occurs most often in:
A)densely populated urban centers
B)highly traditional societies such as India
C)the original culture hearths
D)wherever there are telephone services and computer equipment

An example of a pull factor for migration is:
A)a desire to escape war and persecution
B)a high paying job in another city
C)overcrowding in major cities
D)reduction of rural farm workers

Return migration occurs most often as a result of:
A)false expectations based on poor quality or distorted information about the destination
B)Inability to adjust to a new environment
C)inability to find suitable employment
D)push factors in the new place such as high crime rates

Directional biases to information flows in the United States tend to follow:
A)east - west patterns
B)north - south patterns
C)north - west patterns
D)south - east patterns

Which of the following is an example of forced migration?
A)Settlement of Jews in Israel during the second half of the 20th century
B)Current movement of Mexican laborers into the United States
C)Transfer of Africans to the Western Hemisphere in 1700s
D)Exodus of Hutus from Rwanda in the 1990s

Because of the multiple work, child-care, and home maintenance tasks, women’s trip behavior differs from that of men’s by the fact that they make:
A)more but shorter trips
B)fewer but longer trips
C)fewer but shorter trips
D)more but longer trips

The migration of retirees to Florida and Arizona is an example of:
A)push factors
B)channelized flows
C)the lack of political and cultural barriers
D)hierarchical diffusion

Barriers to information flows lead to:
A)critical distance
B)directional bias
D)spatial search

In migration, the decision of where to move is preceded by the:
A)cultural barriers
B)decision to move
C)perceptions of natural hazards

Two important distinctions in the study of migration are the:
A)length of the move and the barriers to movement
B)barriers to movement and the temporal decisions
C)length of the move and the degree of disruption of normal household activities
D)degree of disruption of normal household activities and temporal decisions