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Inline Online
Inline/Online: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web, 2/e
Raymond Greenlaw, Armstrong Atlantic State University
Ellen Hepp, The University of New Hampshire


Chapter 13 Exercises

  • Describe your experiences with multimedia. Have you ever had to download or install a plug-in to view a page you visited? (section 13.2, problem 1)
  • What is the syntax for including the audio file song.midi on a Web page? (section 13.3, problem 8)
  • Construct a table to illustrate the file sizes of “typical” audio files consisting of 30 seconds of playing time. Include data for as many audio formats as possible. (section 13.3, problem 11)
  • Download and install a plug-in to play a movie format of your choice. How long did the download take? Find a site containing free movies and download and watch a couple. How would you rate the quality of the display? (section 13.4, problem 16)
  • What is the syntax for including the movie shane.mpg on a Web page? (section 13.4, problem 18)
  • Explain how virtual reality technology (VRML, QTVR, and so on) might enhance each of the following: MUDs, educational models, medical research, and on-line shopping malls. (section 13.5, problem 24)
  • Find three Web presentations offering information on VRML au-thoring tools and cite the URLs. Is the documentation complete enough for someone to construct their own VR worlds? (section 13.5, problem 25)
  • Write a sample object tag specification to include the video lassie.mpeg . Include as many object tag attributes as make sense. Write a similar specification using the embed tag. (section 13.6, problem 29)
  • At this point in time, which of the tags for including multimedia in an HTML document are being supported, and by which browsers? (section 13.6, problem 32)