The purpose of this quiz is to provide the student with a large number of supplemental exercises for Chapter 7. This quiz can be used to perform a self-evaluation. This quiz consists of twenty five multiple choice questions. Each multiple choice question has four possible answers.
1 |  |  Which of the following is not a semantic based style tag? |
|  | A) | <EM> |
|  | B) | <STRONG> |
|  | C) | </CITATION> |
|  | D) | ADDRESS> |
2 |  |  Which of the following is not a semantic based style tag? |
|  | A) | <KBD> |
|  | B) | <VAR> |
|  | C) | <CODE> |
|  | D) | <STRIKE> |
3 |  |  Which of the following is not a syntactic based style tag? |
|  | A) | <B> |
|  | B) | <I> |
|  | C) | <UNDER> |
|  | D) | <TT> |
4 |  |  Which of the following is not a syntactic based style tag? |
|  | A) | <SUB> |
|  | B) | <BLINK> |
|  | C) | <SUP> |
|  | D) | <CHECK> |
5 |  |  Which of the following is not information that is typically contained
in a header? |
|  | A) | Title of a Web page. |
|  | B) | Last update information. |
|  | C) | Table of contents. |
|  | D) | Logo. |
6 |  |  Which of the following is not valid syntax for the <HR> tag. |
|  | A) | <HR> |
|  | B) | <HR WIDTH = "75''> |
|  | C) | <HR WIDTH = "75\%''> |
|  | D) | <HR SIZE = "5\%''> |
7 |  |  Which of the following is not an attribute of the <HR> tag? |
|  | A) | NOSHADE |
|  | B) | SHADE |
|  | C) | ALIGN |
|  | D) | WIDTH |
8 |  |  Which of the following items is least likely to be contained in the
footer of an HTML page? |
|  | A) | A disclaimer. |
|  | B) | A copyright notice. |
|  | C) | A biography. |
|  | D) | A publication date. |
9 |  |  Which of the following is not a valid list tag in HTML? |
|  | A) | <DL> |
|  | B) | <ML> |
|  | C) | <UL> |
|  | D) | <OL> |
10 |  |  Which of the following is not a valid attribute for either the <OL>
tag or the <LI> tag? |
|  | A) | BEGIN |
|  | B) | START |
|  | C) | TYPE |
|  | D) | VALUE |
11 |  |  Which of the following tags are you least likely to see sandwiched
between <DL> and </DL>? |
|  | A) | <STRONG> |
|  | B) | <HEADER> |
|  | C) | <DT> |
|  | D) | <DD> |
12 |  |  Which of the following statements is true? |
|  | A) | Unordered lists are numbered with Arabic numbers by default. |
|  | B) | Ordered lists must start at a value of 1. |
|  | C) | Definition lists are not useful for including custom bullets in a
list. |
|  | D) | The <LI> tag is used for list items for all types of HTML lists. |
13 |  |  Which of the following would not classify as a standard use for an HTML table? |
|  | A) | Express relationships. |
|  | B) | Control page layout. |
|  | C) | Present information in a footer. |
|  | D) | Present tabular information. |
14 |  |  Which of the following is not a valid HTML tag? |
|  | A) | <BIG> |
|  | B) | <TD> |
|  | C) | <TC> |
|  | D) | <TR> |
15 |  |  Which of the following is an attribute of the <TABLE> tag? |
|  | A) | CELLSPACER |
|  | C) | CELLSPACES |
|  | D) | CELLS |
16 |  |  Which of the following tags does not take an ALIGN attribute? |
|  | A) | <STRONG> |
|  | B) | <CAPTION> |
|  | C) | <TR> |
|  | D) | <TH> |
17 |  |  Which of the following is not an attribute of the <TD> tag? |
|  | A) | ROWSPAN |
|  | B) | SPACING |
|  | C) | COLSPAN |
|  | D) | ALIGN |
18 |  |  Which of the following is not an attribute of the <TABLE> tag? |
|  | A) | BORDER |
|  | B) | WIDTH |
|  | D) | COLSPAN |
19 |  |  Which of the following is not a valid value for the VALIGN attribute
of the <TD> tag? |
|  | A) | center |
|  | B) | top |
|  | C) | tall |
|  | D) | bottom |
20 |  |  Which of the following statements is true? |
|  | A) | Tables can be nested. |
|  | B) | It is impossible to produce a newspaper looking layout using tables. |
|  | C) | Images cannot be included inside tables. |
|  | D) | The <BR> attribute is not useful for making a column narrower. |
21 |  |  Which of the following statements is false? |
|  | A) | HTML editors are never helpful in producing tables. |
|  | B) | Tables are useful for helping to layout a form. |
|  | C) | There are conversion utilities for taking other table formats and
producing HTML table formats from them. |
|  | D) | Hyperlinks can be included inside a table. |
22 |  |  Which code fragment has a bug? |
|  | A) | <TD>Table data.</TD> |
|  | B) | <TD>Table data. |
|  | C) | <TH Hello>There</TH> |
|  | D) | <TR ALIGN = "left''>Hey</TR> |
23 |  |  Which code fragment does not have a bug? |
|  | A) | <PAR>Testing, one, two, three.</PAR> |
|  | B) | <PARAGRAPH>Testing, one, two, three.</PARAGRAPH> |
|  | C) | <P>Testing, one, two, three.</P> |
|  | D) | <PH>Testing, one, two, three.</PH> |
24 |  |  Which code fragment has a bug or is least correct? |
|  | A) | <CENTER>in the middle</CENTER> |
|  | B) | <! -- comment here --> |
|  | C) | <OL> LI> item 1 </OL> |
|  | D) | <UL> LI> item 1 </UL> |
25 |  |  Which code fragment has a bug? |
|  | A) | <TABLE BORDER = "5''> |
|  | B) | <TABLE BORDER = "\#FFFFFF''> |
|  | C) | <TABLE CELLSPACING = "9''> |
|  | D) | <TABLE CELLPADDING = "9''> |