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The Mechanical Design Process, 3/e
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Chapter Summary

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Describing Mechanical Design Problems and Process

Chapter Summary

  • A product can be divided into functionally oriented operating systems. These are made up of mechanical assemblies, electronic circuits, and computer programs. Mechanical assemblies are built of various components.

  • The important form and function aspects of mechanical devices are called features.

  • Function and behavior tell what a device does; form describes how it is accomplished.

  • Function relates desired behavior.

  • One component may play a role in many functions, and a single function may require many different components.

  • There are many different types of mechanical design problems: selection, configuration, parametric, original, redesign, routine, and mature.

  • Mechanical objects can be described semantically, graphically, analytically, or physically.

  • The design process is a continuous constraining of the potential product designs until one final product evolves. This constraining of the design space is made through repeated comparison with the design requirements.

  • Mechanical design is the refinement from abstract representations to a final physical artifact.

  • The most valuable information is the decisions that are communicated to others.