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Sentence Skills, Form A book cover
Sentence Skills, Form A, 7/e
John Langan, Atlantic Cape Community College

Pronoun Reference, Agreement, and Point of View

Writing On and Offline

These writing prompts are followed by text boxes for your input. If you are working online and your instructor has given you the go-ahead, you can send your work to him or her by clicking the "Submit Answers" button. If you are working offline, you will have to copy your answers (CTRL-C on most systems) and paste them (CTRL-V) into a text document to retain a record of your work.


Activity 1:

Pick a person you'd like to know more about, and find a brief biography of him or her on the internet. Try starting at one of the following search engines:




Once you've read the bio, rewrite the first two or three paragraphs, leaving out all the pronouns and replacing them with the person they refer to. For example, "Jackie Robinson hit his first home run that game" would be rewritten as: "Jackie Robinson hit Jackie Robinson's first home run that game." What did this exercise show you about pronouns?

Activity 2:

Directions: For additional help with pronouns, visit The Purdue University Online Writing Lab and take notes during your visit there.