1 | | Accounting systems help create and set goals and objectives through planning information such as budgeting. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
2 | | Accounting systems measure progress toward the goals and provide feedback about that progress. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
3 | | Accounting based information is instrumental in allocating rewards for progress toward goal achievement. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
4 | | The return on investment (ROI) basically tells managers the amount of earnings expected for every sales dollar generated. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
5 | | Capital turnover tells managers about how the invested capital is generating sales dollars. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
6 | | The Du Pont system of performance measurement is a method that analyzes business performance by considering both the earnings per sales dollar and the investment used to generate those sales dollars. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
7 | | Using ROI as a primary motivator for management performance can result in mangers making decisions that increase the ROI for their responsibility center but do not meet the goals and objectives of the organization. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
8 | | Managers can improve the ROI of their responsibility centers by purchasing higher quality merchandise at higher prices. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
9 | | Under some circumstances, using ROI as the only business performance measure may present an incentive for a manager to reject a good project that would increase the ROI for the organization as a whole. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
10 | | When units within an organization share invested capital, the allocation of that capital to measure ROI is a simple, straightforward process. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
11 | | Residual income is the amount by which operating earnings exceed a minimum acceptable return on the average invested capital. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
12 | | The measurement of residual income is a refinement of the economic value added (EVA) measurement. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
13 | | The EVA performance measure motivates managers to turn down investments that are expected to earn a return below their current ROI. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
14 | | There are few if any major criticisms of using residual income and EVA as performance evaluation tools. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
15 | | The balanced scorecard is a systematic attempt to create a business performance measurement process that integrates objectives across the span of the value chain. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
16 | | Customer profitability is one of the measures of the success of the strategies under the customer perspective lens of the balanced scorecard. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
17 | | The number of on-time deliveries is one of the measures of the success of the strategies under the customer perspective lens of the balanced scorecard. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
18 | | The EVA is one of the measures of the success of the strategies under the financial perspective lens of the balanced scorecard. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
19 | | Organizations can avoid the difficulties associated with the balanced scorecard by increasing the number of measures used in each of the perspectives to critical business issues. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
20 | | One method of motivating managers to make decisions that are in the best interest of the organization is to provide stock options as part of, or in place of, the bonus compensation. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
21 | | One of the disadvantages of using a fixed bonus rather than variable bonus as a means of management compensation is that the fixed bonus does not usually accommodate a complex system like a balanced scorecard. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
22 | | Compensation designers will often tie incentives only to stock market information and ignore accounting information. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
23 | | The grading system in most academic settings is a competitive incentive scheme. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
24 | | Compensation designers must take care that the compensation design does not create goal incongruence between the individual and the organization. |
| | A) | True |
| | B) | False |
25 | | Accounting information plays an important role in aligning employee and organizational goals and in motivating employees to achieve those goals. How does the accounting system provide this motivation? |
| | A) | It helps create and set goals. |
| | B) | It helps measure progress. |
| | C) | It provides feedback. |
| | D) | It is instrumental in allocating rewards. |
| | E) | All of the above. |
26 | | The current ROI of a profit center is 10.0%. Its return on sales of $2,000,000 is 20%. What is the average invested capital? |
| | A) | $4,000,000 |
| | B) | $2,000,000 |
| | C) | $6,000,000 |
| | D) | $ 200,000 |
| | E) | Cannot be determined |
27 | | The current ROI of a profit center is 10%. Its return on sales of $1,500,000 is 30% and operating earnings are $450,000. What is the capital turnover? |
| | A) | 40.0% |
| | B) | 20.0% |
| | C) | 33.3% |
| | D) | 44.4% |
| | E) | 30.0% |
28 | | Operating earnings are currently $300,000 from sales of $1,500,000. The average invested capital of $5,000,000 is expected to increase $600,000, which is anticipated to increase the ROI to 8%. The return on sales is anticipated to increase to 25%. What is the anticipated increase in sales? |
| | A) | $ 75,000 |
| | B) | $120,000 |
| | C) | $148,000 |
| | D) | $292,000 |
| | E) | $268,000 |
29 | | The current ROI is 6%. Total sales were $200,000, the cost of goods sold was $100,000, and the operating expenses were $40,000. The average invested capital is $1,000,000. An investment in equipment will reduce the cost of goods sold by 10% and will increase the average invested capital to $1,040,000. Sales volume and operating expenses are not expected to change in the subsequent period. Which of the following is not true? |
| | A) | Capital turnover will be 19.2%. |
| | B) | Return on sales will be 35.0%. |
| | C) | Operating earnings will be $70,000. |
| | D) | The cost of goods sold will be $90,000. |
| | E) | ROI will be 5.3%. |
30 | | Which of the following is not a criticism of using ROI and the Du Pont system as the only business performance measurement? |
| | A) | The short horizon problem |
| | B) | Failing to undertake profitable investments |
| | C) | Measurement problems |
| | D) | The earnings per sales dollar is ignored |
| | E) | All of the above |