1. Locate your state board of education's website. Try this site as a starting place: http://home.about.com/education/index.htm Is moral education (you might also look for values education or character education) part of the curriculum? If so, review the curriculum standards. Then write a short essay in which you address the elements that you agree with, as well as discuss aspects of the standards that people might object to. If your state curriculum doesn't have a moral education component, think about your state and write a short essay in which you address why you think moral education is not part of the state curriculum. As you come up with your reasons, think about characteristics such as demographics, religious diversity, political philosophies and social issues that may have impacted your state's curriculum. 2. Write a short essay in which you reflect upon why you think we have public schools. What are the purposes of schooling? Do you think schools are the most effective way to educate children? Why or why not? |