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American Education Book Cover
American Education, 10/e
Joel Spring

Teachers Unions and Teacher Politics

Chapter Outline

Historical origins of the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

  1. Purposes of the unions
  2. Differences between the unions

The history of the NEA

  1. Early goals and purpose of the NEA
  2. Influences of the NEA on educational practices
  3. The changing roles and membership of the NEA

The history of the AFT

  1. Early goals and purposes of the union movement
  2. Influences of the union movement upon the work lives of teachers
  3. The changing roles and membership of the AFT

The NEA and AFT today

  1. The shifting focus of the unions
  2. The NEA's position on standards, teacher training, charter schools and teacher compensation.
  3. The AFT's position on standards, teacher training, charter schools and teacher compensation.

The case study of union leader Tom Mooney

  1. Improving teachers' workplace interests
  2. Increasing teacher power
  3. Political activities of a union leader