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American Education Book Cover
American Education, 10/e
Joel Spring

Equality of Opportunity and Social Class

Chapter Outline

Equality of opportunity and schools

  1. Defining equality of opportunity
  2. Equality of opportunities and inequities
  3. Models of schooling for equality of opportunity
    1. Common school model
    2. Sorting machine model
    3. Intelligence tests as objective measures
    4. Compensatory education programs

Education and social class

  1. Definition of social class and the distribution of family income
  2. Educational practices that limit the role of schools
    1. Tracking
    2. Ability grouping
    3. Counseling methods
    4. Teacher expectations
    5. Unequal school expenditures
  3. Social class and the technology gap

Inequities in school expenditures

  1. The relationship between quality of education and educational attainment
  2. Unequal school expenditures and educational opportunities
  3. Savage Inequalities
  4. Quality of education in urban schools

Schools and social reproduction

  1. Definition of social reproduction
  2. Relationship between class and socialization of children
    1. Child-rearing practices
    2. School practices
  3. Relationship between tracking and ability grouping


  1. Definition of resistance
  2. Conflicts between school culture and student culture
  3. Critical theory and resistance