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American Education Book Cover
American Education, 10/e
Joel Spring

Student Diversity

Chapter Outline

The changing demographics of the school age population

  1. Impact of changes in immigration laws
  2. Reasons for immigration
  3. Minority children become the majority of school-age children
  4. Educational needs of immigrant children

Language diversity in schools

  1. Impact of English proficiency on educational attainment
  2. Teacher preparation and language diversity
  3. The possibility of cultural conflicts between a white teaching force and a minority student population

Hispanic/Latino/Latina students

  1. Defining Hispanic
  2. The educational experiences of Hispanic people in the United States
  3. Second-generation segregation and Hispanic students

Asian American students

  1. Defining Asian American
  2. The impact of immigration and citizenship laws on Asian Americans
  3. Stereotypes and the educational experiences of Asian Americans

Native American students

  1. The impact of U.S. government policies on Native American culture and language.
  2. The educational experiences of Native Americans
  3. Shifting legal control of education to Native Americans