Learning is much more than reading in a textbook. That's why the 10th edition of Inquiry into Life is integrated closely with an Online Learning Center where students and professors alike will benefit. The OLC provides animations, virtual labs, online quizzing, PowerPoint lecture outlines, text images for presentations, and other tools that will help make teaching a little easier and learning a lot more fun.
Inquiry into Life covers the whole field of basic biology, and emphasizes the application of this knowledge to human concerns. Along with this approach, concepts and principles are stressed, rather than detailed, high-level scientific data and terminology.
The Online Learning Center is designed to enhance your learning. Book-specific content such as quizzing, case studies, objectives, and web links can all be accessed by choosing from the list to the left. These materials are designed to help you succeed in your course.
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.