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Thinking Scientifically
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1. Concerning biome structure, use the data given in Figure 35.4a
a. to hypothesize what two environmental conditions are most influential in determining the type of biome.


b. If a deciduous forest is destroyed by fire, what less complex biome might take its place? If a grassland biome is overgrazed, what less complex biome might takes its place?


c. Hypothesize that the greater amount of life in tropical rain forest is related to a plentiful supply of sunlight. Explain why this might be so.


d. Hypothesize that the great diversity of a tropical rain forest is explained by the competitive exclusion principle. Explain why this might be so.


e. Hypothesize that the great diversity of a tropical rain forest is related to a plentiful supply of varied foods. Explain why this might be so.


2. Concerning the mix of plants and animals in a biome,
a. give two reasons based on the principle of adaptation to the environment why you would expect to find a squid in the ocean and not in tropical rain forest.


b. give two reasons why you would expect to find a monkey in a tropical rain forest and not in a grassland.


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