| Public Speaking for College and Career, 6/e Hamilton Gregory
What's New- SpeechMate is a newly integrated student CD-ROM. CD icons in the margins of the text guide students to SpeechMate, which provides an array of tools to enhance student learning and help build confidence in public speaking. Found on the CD-ROM:
Video Clips -
45 minutes of video excerpts and complete speeches illustrate the various parts of a speech and good presentation techniques.
Practice Tests -
To prepare for classroom tests, students can take a 30 question practice test for each chapter. When students choose an incorrect answer, they are given immediate on-screen feedback.
Checklist for Preparing and Delivering a Speech -
This handy list of steps not only helps speakers prepare their classroom speeches but also serves as a valuable guide for speeches in their careers. Topic Helper -
For students who have trouble coming up with a topic for a speech, these lists include hundreds of potential subjects. Speech Critique -
A software program enables both students and instructors to evaluate speeches, either on a computer or on a printed evaluation sheet. Outline Tutor - A computerized template for creating outlines helps students to organize their material by creating, editing, and printing their speech outlines. PowerPoint Tutor -
Basic steps in creating and displaying a PowerPoint presentation are explained in this 27-screen tutorial. Bibliography Formats -
To illustrate how to cite sources in an outline, examples from Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Psychological Association (APA) are given. Glossary -
All of the book's key terms and their definitions are included and can be accessed by chapter or through a master glossary. FlashCards -
Electronic flash cards help students to master the book's key terms and concepts.
- PowerWeb - Offered free with new copies of the text, PowerWeb is a password-protected Website developed by McGraw-Hill that provides instructors and students with course-specific study materials and current, relevant, and validated Web content. Linked from the Gregory Online Learning Center, PowerWeb helps students with online research by providing access to more than 6,000 high-quality academic sources.
Significant revision of the chapters on persuasion (Chaps. 16 and 17) reflects updated research, and features a new sample outline and speech with commentary (in Chap. 16) and new examples.
- Eight sample speeches with commentary, many of them new to this edition, appear in Chapters 8, 12, 15, 16, and 18.
Five additional sample speeches, four of them new to this edition, are included in the Appendix.
Chapter 9, "Visual Aids," has been updated to include new information on computer presentation aids . Students will appreciate a new table entitled "Free Multimedia Material on the Internet."
Chapter 6, "Finding Information," and Chapter 7, "Using Information Wisely and Ethically," include updated information on how to effectively use the Internet to do research and how to judge source credibility.
Several new "Tips for Your Career" boxes , including one entitled "Beware the Perils of PowerPoint," demonstrate the relevance of public speaking in the workplace.
New chapter-opening vignettes with accompanying photos draw students into each chapter and illustrate important public speaking principles.